Newbie can't tell if this is light burn

Mar 1, 2022
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Hello - I posted in a different thread and a kind AFN person told me to post here. Below is the info but I should add that the spring water I am using has a PPM of 211. Thanks for all help and advice!

Hello! I didn’t want to be the stoopid newbie that didn’t research and asked a question and then awesome AFN members roll their eyes! I have read many forums and examined dozens of pictures. And I still can’t tell if this is light burn. Forgive me! I am not the sharpest tool in the shed. I have also read absolute conflicting info-such as, “if you use LED lights you must add Cal-Mag” to “it is a myth, LED lights do not cause a Cal Mag deficiency.” Please help me.
I have two Durban Poison Autoflowers. They popped out of the soil 15 days ago. The one in question is in Fox Farm Happy Frog soil. I planted the other in Fox Farm Ocean Forest. Look at the newbie doing a scientific experiment! Anyway, the one in Happy Frog started getting yellow tips on the new growth and newer leaves about 5 days ago. The other one was taller and closer to the light and didn’t get that. I raised the light two days ago to 24 inches. It is a Spider Farmer SF1000 at full blast. I leave the lights on 24/7 and have maintained temp between 65 and 80. I have to run a space heater to keep it hot enough but I am scared to leave it on at night, so I stay up way too late (obsessively reading about yellow leaves) and then turn it off for a few hours and that is when the tent temp drops to 65. I have humidifiers going and this week am trying to keep it around 65%. I have not given any nutrients, just spring water. I can guarantee that I have not overwatered them. That is the one thing of which I am sure:) I got a PH pen and a cheap TDS tester and did a soil slurry test. The yellow tipped one has a PH of 6.08 and 1110 PPM. I also tested the spring water and found out that it has a PH of 7.82 so I plan to use vinegar to bring it down on the next watering until I can get PH Up and Down. What is wrong with the yellow tipped one? It is getting worse. Also-please give me advice on anything I am doing wrong. The close up pictures were taken today. The picture of the two of them was taken 2 days ago. One more thing, the one in Ocean Forest is a much paler green. Is that because they say Ocean Forest is “hot”? I PHed that soil too and it came in at 6.62 with a TDS of 354 PPM. I gave up when I saw the PPM was so much lower. I thought if it was “hot” that it would have a high PH. See, I am lost.
PS-I watched half of the lighting video by the professor from Utah in case that would answer my question and was lost but I can’t afford a light meter! I know he basically said that inches don’t matter, intensity does. I tell my boyfriend that all of the time;) so forgive me for telling you how many inches my light is above my plants but I have no other option. I really do want to be a good newbie!
Forget to attach pictures in this new thread posting! I am not techy at all!


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Oh Boy - Missed this requirement - see below
-Problem: Yellow tips on leaves
-Medium/grow method: Fox Farms Happy Frog in a grow tent
-Feed and supplements used:
No supplements. Spring water only. PH of 7.82, 211 PPM
-Water source: Spring water (see above)
-Strain and age: Durban Poison Auto - popped out of soil 15 days ago.
-Climate: 80 during the "day" - I run the lights 24/7. 65 degrees at the lowest - at night when I turn space heater off for a few hours. This week, I am trying to keep humidity at 65% with 2 humidifiers.

- Light used: Spider Farmer SF-1000, 24/7 100%, raised to 24 inches (the max according to Spider Farmer for Veg) from 19 two days ago - yellowing on plant getting worse.
-Additional info:5 days ago the plant started showing yellow on new growth even thought it was lower than another Durban Poison.
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Even if they’re not getting “burned” they may be stressed from too much light. I just went through this, mine eventually progressed to rust colored spotting that masqueraded as a Ca deficiency (this could be where the “ leds need more Ca” idea comes from, or the light stress may actually affect Ca metabolism in some way). Not saying this is the problem, but certainly something to consider. I also am a proponent of 24 hrs light, but you can blow right past your DLI without realizing it. It’s hard to say for sure, but the yellowing on the Edges isn’t classic nutrient burn. I’d certainly consider reducing total light (less hours, rather than dimmed or further.
Just harvested my DP an a red gonna need some room for those two.....good luck
Tough to say without knowing what is in the 210ppm water. I’ve used ffhf & FFOF and I doubt u have a cal/mag issue which started @ day 10’ish. I’d say get PH of water in the 6.4-6.8 range. I also have high ppm water, so I dilute it down with rainwater. 50/50 mis takes me from 200 down to 110.
Oh my gosh! Thank you for responding to me! I had given up and was on here trying to figure out the most recent issue and saw the notification was red! I have jacked these up so much! I don’t even have the energy to try to figure out how to explain it to you! Here is one tidbit tho. I bought another SF-1000 light to spread the two apart and give more air circulation in the tent. I bought the same one on Amazon as I had before. I selected it from my recently purchased items even!! The manual cover looked the same as the original. I did not know that Spider Farmer changed the bulbs so now you have to hang it much, much closer to the plant. So I def gave one of them much less light and now she has tiny preflowers or maybe they are considered flowers (stoopid newbie here) and has stretched!! I will attach pics of the manual and new hanging distance. I did not notice that the little number on the bottom, right corner of the manual had changed. I would have thought they would have made it more obvious.
I am too embarrassed to attach pics of the plants as they are now! Yep,stoopid newbie tried her hand at LSTing!!
If I can figure out how to fix them, I will attach pictures in a few weeks if you are interested. Thanks again!


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Oh my gosh! Thank you for responding to me! I had given up and was on here trying to figure out the most recent issue and saw the notification was red! I have jacked these up so much! I don’t even have the energy to try to figure out how to explain it to you! Here is one tidbit tho. I bought another SF-1000 light to spread the two apart and give more air circulation in the tent. I bought the same one on Amazon as I had before. I selected it from my recently purchased items even!! The manual cover looked the same as the original. I did not know that Spider Farmer changed the bulbs so now you have to hang it much, much closer to the plant. So I def gave one of them much less light and now she has tiny preflowers or maybe they are considered flowers (stoopid newbie here) and has stretched!! I will attach pics of the manual and new hanging distance. I did not notice that the little number on the bottom, right corner of the manual had changed. I would have thought they would have made it more obvious.
I am too embarrassed to attach pics of the plants as they are now! Yep,stoopid newbie tried her hand at LSTing!!
If I can figure out how to fix them, I will attach pictures in a few weeks if you are interested. Thanks again!
Hello we all fck up even when we have grown a few plants dont be embarrassed post away that's how you will get recomendations on how to help we all start somewhere trust me i have messed up loads of plants thats how you learn each time it gets better and so on.
if you have iphone download photone and messure the light ppfd and use that not the guide as they are just a avearge hieghts
Here is a ppfd/Dli thing that will help you
Levels of DLI Needed by Marijuana Through Different Stages of Cultivation

Cannabis requires a growing spectrum of light throughout its cultivation stages. And cultivators need to apply a different level of lighting throughout the cropping period. To assure optimal yield, monitoring DLI levels is important in three phases of the cycle – infancy, vegetation, and flowering.
First three weeks:

The marijuana crop’s first stage is also its most important. Cultivators should ensure their first-stage canna plants get DLI from 13 – 19 units each day. That’s at a rate of 200 – 300 PPFD for eighteen hours.

At this range, there’s a chance of better yields when your plant crosses to the vegetation stage.
Vegetative stage:

At the veg phase, your plant has to receive upwards of 20 moles of light each day. But the DLI isn’t expected to exceed 35 units at this period. Because this is a make-or-break stage, growers are mostly at odds on numerous fronts.

During the veg phase, canna plants usually require more energy to boost growth potential. Some growers could flat-out disregard recommendations and double the required DLI for increased vegetation.

Several elements, like hours of light, light intensity, and grow light spread could impact growth at this stage.
Flowering stage:

Optimal flowering may require around 38 – 65 DLI units each day. If your marijuana flowers as it should, you can expect a good harvest.
ppfd/umols seedlings 150-300
vegetative 300
Flower 300-600+
Happy growing you know it makes sense :smoking: :smoking:
Don't even think about being embarrassed about questions on AFN. This is the friendliest and most helpful spot you are going to find for beginning growers. The flaming and trolling elsewhere is absolutely not tolerated here, and there are lots of peeps here both willing and able to lend new growers a hand.

As to your original question, I do not think you were dealing with light burn, I think the plant with issues is just finding the richer soil mix a bit too rich, and you have a bit of lockout going on. If you keep your ph in the zone, you should get some decent bud. Plants can look pretty awful and still manage to produce in spite of it. It is a lot harder to kill them than it is to keep them happy. I'm still working on keeping them happy, but I haven't managed to kill one yet. :biggrin: :pighug:
Yeah, probably not too much light. But I fully agree, nothing but friendly, good intentioned people here. Nothing to be embarrassed about, mistakes are how we all learn!