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Cultivators Club
Dec 7, 2020
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Hi I'm new to this I have the smallest grow tent 40x40x120 with a 1000w led and carbon filter,
I have started with two auto flowers any advice welcome
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Hi I'm new to this I have the smallest grow tent 40x40x120 with a 600w led and carbon filter,
I have started with two auto flowers any advice welcome

heya @Minime2020 and :welcome: to afn! :toke: best advice is to keep it simple & above all -> p a t i e n c e grasshopper ;) oh, and don't overwater :rofl: great commune here to help ya get dialed in & anything u need, jus give a holler :thumbsup:

ppp & :goodluck:

you need to decide on if you wanna go bottled feeds or fully water only organics. Im bias towards Water only systems.then just find threads and helpful(start up threads) to help you set up attention to light distance ,temps and ofcourse everything starts with the soil and pot prep.happy harvesting :pass:
Growing is addictive! You already need à bigger tent,you just don't know it yet!
Hahah I got a bigger tent, once I get the hang of it then I may expand but I don't have a lot of room fingers crossed
Growing is addictive! You already need à bigger tent,you just don't know it yet!
Hahah I got a bigger tent, once I get the hang of it then I may expand but I don't have a lot of room fingers crossed
Hahah I got a bigger tent, once I get the hang of it then I may expand but I don't have a lot of room fingers crossed
Growing is addictive! You already need à bigger tent,you just don't know it yet!
Hahah I got a bigger tent, once I get the hang of it then I may expand but I don't have a lot of room fingers crossed
Hahah I got a bigger tent, once I get the hang of it then I may expand but I don't have a lot of room fingers crossed
you need to decide on if you wanna go bottled feeds or fully water only organics. Im bias towards Water only systems.then just find threads and helpful(start up threads) to help you set up attention to light distance ,temps and ofcourse everything starts with the soil and pot prep.happy harvesting :pass:
Thanks I am going to go organic I am using Coco coir and I have organic coco nuits to add later, IV also used 3 gallon fabric pots temp is around 20'c and humidity is at 60%
:welcome: Welcome to AFN & good luck with your grow! :greenthumb::goodluck::vibes::pass: