Outdoor New to growing anything advice about growing outdoors...thanks

Jul 12, 2015
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i am totally new to this, I have MED GOM 1.0 fem. auto flower seeds I will be using. I'm a little concerned about the weather where I live the west coast, it gets around 95-110 during summer. Will be in my backyard, their will be about 12-14 hours of direct sun no forest near by. Do you think this will be a problem? Or do I need to make some shade? Suggestions on nutes, what kind and amounts to feed during cycle? Soil? Etc.

Will the smell of them be super strong ?
If so any suggestions on masking the smell a bit? Plants etc.

I'd like to ahead of time Thank everyone for any helpful
Suggestions. TY
I wouldn't worry about the temps as long as you keep them watered ... I'd protect them for the first couple weeks and then let them have full sun ... should grow monsters ... they will be some smell but it should float away w/ a breeze ... I like to start a plant indoors under LEDs for the first three weeks until it's a little bush ... I start them in 1 gal root pouches and then transplant root pouch and all into the outdoor space ...
I have two autos outside and they made it but I popped 6 and two died and the two smaller where gifted
They couldn't take the heat
In NorCal but they look good and small easy to hide outside
Fox farm dirt earth juice easy on the wallet