New Grower New to forum, growing and to strain Mossy's Purple Jem

Apr 25, 2012
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Hello all, some questions about the strain before buying off automactic seeds. WHat is the average hight for one of these and suggested size bucket? Also has anyone had experiences with shipping to Australia?
Any and all responses are much apriciated!

I have been going through an ounce (purchased) each week for faaar too long and here, low grade and mids is all I can get, bout time to grow ay.
great plant but yeild may be lower than u want! but bud is beautiful, his dirrty dragons too, yield u want try maxi gom in a 2 gallon minimum pot, 3-4 oz in 9-10 wks
and aus no prob, cash goes one side of world, canada, seed from europe so its all apart, and first like given for asking! we are all friendly here at afn

also check forums and pics, everyone has grown mossys, smoke reports, pics yields its all on here!
previous 2 attempts at replying seems to have failed. Thank you for the response & suggestions, the Maxi GOM looks great especially the yield, but i think the hight will stretch passed his 120cm in the tent, as mine will be outdoors in front lawn around some trees and bushes im hoping to blend them into. will keep Maxi in my top few to decide on! and continue searching the forums on PJ and other :)

tried to order a Speed Ryder off grassscity but wont to Australia.. shame as i think it was 45cm tall, yield 45g and only 65days from seed
great link Stone, Thanks heaps. LOADS of pages but each page has something new. I got one page on your link and other is on checkout with PJEM seeds. either buy them or a phat bag to vape on while i think tomorrow!
Hey there VapedAs. Welcome to the site. There is a ton of great info and helpful members on the site. One of which is me :D I try my best to extend my tentacles to new growers and sometimes I need all 8, plus 2! :crying:

Ok but really. Glad to have you and we look forward to helping you with your success, mate. :dance2:
Im watching Futurama Movie 1: Beast With A Million Backs(some big tenticle monster takes over world). just how far are those tenticles over yours reaching..:bow: looking forward to becoming more active and moving up in the chain so's one day to assist others also.
Thanks for the warm welcome.

you seem quite prominant here so you might be hearing from me if i get a grow going, and i remember Muddy from marijuana forum.

Bought a 10pack of PJEM like 10mins ago. didnt realize there was no credit card or ****** options so ill have to wait while sending cash "snail mail"
Haven't seen that Futurama I don't think. Is it on Netflix? And ya never know how far these tentacles reach, man. haha

I have only been around a few months but I know my way around growing in general and have put a lot of time in here in a short period,anyone can tell you that. I am all for helping and am usually pretty good at it but I almost always get a follow up from either Muddy, JM, or Jackal, as they are official new grower helpers and mods here at the site.

No worries on that cash in the mail, mate. Just use as least many bills as you can, no change of course, we just let em keep it because they're such nice blokes:D(why do I sound english? I'm not, haha)
Many of us send in a fake bday card or something similar and have had very few problems overall. PJEMS are the shit.
Im not sure about being on netflix, but for all my movies and series downloads I use Futurama movies are alright but the series was great, seen alll 6 seasons so many times I use it to pass out to each night, often wake up middle of night with my vaporizers glass wand/whip and dried weed all over bed haha.. woke up to one broken on floor one morning *tear*

Yeah, I was thinking bday card and rounding up the next "bill" to avoid anything. thank you vmuch! as ive always been para about overseas cash deals. should have it sent out to them today, annd then the wait begins!