Grow Room new tent.

Sep 18, 2019
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So i set u0 my 2 x 2.5 Gorilla tent with the Ac Ingfinity 4 inch fan, clip fan and HLG 150;. i have is running empty and even at 10 fan speed , the tent is treaidng anywhere from 81-83F. At 6 it got up yo 84F. This is on an air conditioned room set at 79. Is that WAY too hot and what do I do? At this rate ,it will be running at full blast 118 hours Sounds like a 737 taking off as I have the faan outside of the tent. Temp rpobe is about halfway up the side wll..
That temp is plenty fine enough. Look into vpd and decide whether it's easier for you to adjust the temp or humidity. But the only way you're gonna get the temp in the tent down is by dropping the temp in the room the tent is in
That temp is plenty fine enough. Look into vpd and decide whether it's easier for you to adjust the temp or humidity. But the only way you're gonna get the temp in the tent down is by dropping the temp in the room the tent is in
RH has fallen from 50% to 42%. VPD is 230 at 84. Time to hook up the humidifier?
Humidity will rise with plants and soil in the tent. Don't sweat it too much. Also only need to run the exhaust fan just to pull fresh air in until they start to flower:thumbsup::pass: Less fan=higher humidity
Humidity will rise with plants and soil in the tent. Don't sweat it too much. Also only need to run the exhaust fan just to pull fresh air in until they start to flower:thumbsup::pass: Less fan=higher humidity
First 2 plants since I moved going into the new rig tomorrow. Ace Zamadelica auto and Fastbuds Original Afghan Kush. 3 gallon Rain Science bags with a mixture of like 50% Happy Frog 25% Coco Loco and 25% perlite. .2 Part Mega Crop in a few weeks.
You'll be fine. Plants and people adjust :d5: Been looking at that Zam for way too long myself :crying:
you will notice a major increase humidity once you put your pots in with wet soil.
Put the intake fan on a low setting, or if using a passive intake open the vent just a tiny bit

control your Rh & Temps then via your outake fan speed