New growth yellowing, please advise.

Sep 29, 2021
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Problem: New growth showing signs of chlorosis
-Medium/grow method:Coco/Perl-70/30
-Feed and supplements used:
Tang's easy feed schedule using AN Sensi Bloom
-Water source: Tap (EC unknown) (Relatively soft)
-Strain and age:Auto Glueberry OG
-Climate:25 degrees constant with 60% humidity

- Light used: DIY Quantum board (currently 300 PPFD / DLI = 21.6 @ 20 hours per day)

Maybe Calmag?

Thanks in advance.


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You should be feeding veg nutes that have more nitrogen along with cal/mag.If your using chemical nutes you should be PH ing your water also.
You should be feeding veg nutes that have more nitrogen along with cal/mag.If your using chemical nutes you should be PH ing your water also.
Sensi bloom has more nitrogen than Sensi grow (for veg). Sensi bloom does just fine all the way through the grow, I’ve done it many times. Sensi products are ph perfect, so his ph isn’t the problem.

How often are you feeding? And what’s your dosage of your feed. Thx
Sensi bloom has more nitrogen than Sensi grow (for veg). Sensi bloom does just fine all the way through the grow, I’ve done it many times. Sensi products are ph perfect, so his ph isn’t the problem.

How often are you feeding? And what’s your dosage of your feed. Thx
Usually grow nutes have higher nitrogen but if its been working keep it up.They look really nice so try cal/mag and maybe up the dose slightly
Usually grow nutes have higher nitrogen but if its been working keep it up.They look really nice so try cal/mag and maybe up the dose slightly
Indeed they do. So it is a little confusing why they added more nitrogen to their bloom feed. But nitrates benefit the plant also in bloom, so they have probably came to the conclusion that their bloom recipe with higher nitrogen produces better buds in flower, and lower nitrogen (they lower it by 1% with their veg feed) is maybe more suitable for vegging
Probably got to do with the 'pH perfect' thing in their nutrient line
It looks to be hungry. Yellowing is also caused by over watering. And yes, you can give a small plant “too much” water in coco. I’ve done this many times and it will begin to show yellowing. But as it gets bigger it comes out of it.
They are on day 18 and on 1.5ml of each A+B EOD. Ordered some AN cal-mag extra yesterday so will give it a go at 1ml per L and hope for the best. will perhaps prepare a foliar feed until then.