New grower in seek of prep and starting advice

Mar 22, 2022
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Hey everyone..
I need help starting out. I have a 4x2 tent with the ventilation system rigged up, my light rigged up, seeds at the ready, soil, 3 mesh bags, gallon each ph up/down, pH tester, digital thermometer/hygrometer, air pump and bucket, mega crop, bluelab grower's toolbox and fans.
Any advice with starting the process like proper watering amounts and how often, etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks.
Hey everyone..
I need help starting out. I have a 4x2 tent with the ventilation system rigged up, my light rigged up, seeds at the ready, soil, 3 mesh bags, gallon each ph up/down, pH tester, digital thermometer/hygrometer, air pump and bucket, mega crop, bluelab grower's toolbox and fans.
Any advice with starting the process like proper watering amounts and how often, etc. would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Hi There! ^_^

Assuming you've got your (lightmix) soil and already potted it up.
I'd warm up the tent to 80-85f .. give the soil about 1 litre of dechlorinated water .. and let it stand for an hour or so.

Plant the seeds at the depth of a finger nail, and cover over loosely with soil.
Srpay the area with a srpayer.
Put a plastic cup or top of a coke bottle over the top (humidity dome)

And lightly spray the soil area (until damp) and inside of the cup morning and evening for a couple of days until they come up.

Once they come up, take off the cup, turn on the movement fan and use the cup to measure water.
1/4 cup on day 2
1/2 cup on day 4
3/4 cup on day 6
1 Cup on day 8

then get the watering can out.

Happy growing
Blue ^_^

Thanks Blue for your feedback. I appreciate it. I'm looking forward to talking with you soon.