New Grower New Grower(DWC)..... Needs some final help to get seeds going!

Oct 15, 2017
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Hey everyone, I posted awhile back doing an introduction on my original account. Lost the password so had to setup a new one. Big change - ended up moving, out in country now where odor isn't the problem I worried about in the original thread. Here is what I have and am doing....... starting to think I'll need a new tent but hoping to get some other opinions.

Current Tent: 20" deep x 36" wide x 60" tall
Lights: 4x Luminus CXM22 Cob Lights w/ 133mm heatsink, Driver: Meanwell-320H-48A
Filter: 6" x 16" Phresh can filter
Fan: 6" Hydro Farm
Medium: Doing DWC hydro, using 3 gal buckets, and rhizo net pots, using blackwidow airstone ring, ecoair2 pump 126.8 GPH.
Nutes: GH Flora Series w/Flora Blend, Koolbloom, FloraClean, Floralicious Plus, Rapid Start. Hydroguard, PH up/down. Also have Rapid Rooters for the start.
Other goodies: Bluelabs Ph Pen, Generic PPM pen, temp/humidity guage
Water: using a mix of Distilled and Tap. Tap water is 220ish PPM, goal to get it below 100 PPM with the distilled.
Seeds: Currently have Mephisto: Northern Cheese Haze, Fantasimo Express, Sweet Toof, HBSS, and Heisenberg Special.

So, my original plans was to do 2 dwc buckets in the tent. But, after getting the Phresh Filter(that thing is huge) and fan hanging. Lights below the filter basically with heatsink touching. It leaves me with 32" from cob to top of DWC bucket. So, if I make sure to keep the 18" suggested distance between cob and plant, that leaves me with plants maxing out at 14". Even if I top and LST, not sure I'd be able to keep them that low with the strains I have. Think it is possible? Would it even be worth the hassle? Want to hopefully get at least 2 oz per plant.

If the above wouldn't work --- here is what I see my options as being.

1) New tent --- the closet that I have can handle (Option1) 36x36x72 tent, (Option 2) VivoSun 48"x24"x60" -- I think option 2 would allow me to kick the Phresh Filter vertically on an outer edge and allow me to get the extra 10-12" of grow height. Really want to stay under $100, Which would you think is the best?
2) Only grow one plant, kick the Phresh Filter vertically. Grow on the other side.

Tagging a few that responded on my last post, and a few of the DWC guys I'm in awe of on DWC.
Yea like f6 said you could have the filter outside the tent :thumbsup:

Its possible with strict lst but keeping her below 14 inches tall would be a lot of work!

The taller the tent the better man. You could probably squeeze 2 into a 48 x 24 but not into the 36 x 36
If you have the space for a larger tent. But there are alot doing micro grow in small spaces. Check out some of @912GreenSkell indoor cabinet grows but they are in soil.
Another option for your water would be a Reverse Osmosis system 3 stage or 5 stage seen some on ebay for just over $100 that way you don't have to try and mix to get a lower ppm. Something like this to give you an idea.
and allow me to get the extra 10-12" of grow height
There is always the option of putting the fan/filter outside the tent in order to eek out more height. I've been running my fan/filter outside my tent for several years.
DWC can grow some big plants your going to want as much room as possible. So if you can put the filter outside of your tent. If not even with some lst and a scrog it probably would be a struggle. I'm shure it could be done but you want to keep things simple your first few times for success and confidence. You can easily get 2 Oz a plant could even get 4 a plant if done right. You will figure it out good luck
Thanks everyone for the responses. Didn't even think about putting the filter/fan on the outside. By doing this, it would allow me to get up to 30" on plants and maintain a 18" clearance for the cob setup if I have it all the way up on the top of the tent. Think I'll go this for now --- great thing about Amazon Prime is 2 day delivery. If it gets to close to quick, I'll get a 36"x36"x72" tent which would allow me to get up to 42" in plant height. That is the max size tent I can get into the closet I'm growing in, it's basically a unfinished closet under stairs to my basement - unfortunately it has both the bottom of the stairs and a drain with my ac condensation pipes that I have to work around.

Couple more questions on doing this. Do you put some type of pre-filter attached to your ducting coming out of the tent to the fan and CF to eliminate excess dust?
If you have the space for a larger tent. But there are alot doing micro grow in small spaces. Check out some of @912GreenSkell indoor cabinet grows but they are in soil.
Another option for your water would be a Reverse Osmosis system 3 stage or 5 stage seen some on ebay for just over $100 that way you don't have to try and mix to get a lower ppm. Something like this to give you an idea.
I plan on getting a RO system once I get new kitchen counter tops installed. My kitchen currently has a porcelain coated cast iron sink --- don't want try to drill for the facet on that, will just have the installers pre-drill the granite when I do the new counter tops
You should be filtering the incoming air so the air in you tent is clean than having your fan in the tent blowing out through your filter or have your fan outside the tent sucking air out and blowing through your filter