Indoor New grow LSD 25 weird problem.

DJ High

Ready to Rock!
Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Hindu Kush, Bubba Kush & LSD-25
- 2x4x5 tent
- cob led 800 watt - actual wattage 215
- growing in Coco and perlite 60/40
- current temperature 77 degree
- rh 54%
- the light is 36 in from the first leaves
- 16/8 light cycle
- feeding Remo nutes once a day by hand
- feeding 1/4 strength magnifical, micro & grow
- using filtered tap water with a ph of 7.2 and around 50 ppm of to dissolve solids
- only watering 500mls a day in a donut shape around each plant.
- ph going in 5.8
- ppm going in 250ish
- 3 LSD 25 seeds by fast buds
- germinated in water and planted into final pots once Taproot was showing.
- using 3 gallon fabric pots
- this is my fourth grow

Okay so I'm into the grow 6 days since I popped the sprouted seeds into the coco. I had originally planted 4 seeds but on one of them the stem was extremely thin and it collapsed after two days.

The remaining three are growing. But one of them is very light green in color. The other two are looking fine. The first picture of all three pots is under the lights and it's not an accurate representation of the true color. The second and third pictures are of the one having the problem as well as one that has normal color. Both of these pictures were taken in natural sunlight.

Does anybody have any ideas on what the issue could be? Like I mentioned it's exactly the same seeds in all of my pots in exactly the same Coco mixture and exactly the same nutrients and water used.

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perhaps ph in one pot is off? Does it have direct fan on it and not the others? It looks a bit light in color, buut they do that frequently. You will know in a few days, she might just be slower than the others.
well, with all things being equal, this early on too, it's hard to say,.... off pH is possible, but seems unlikely for the same reasons... let her run for several more days and see what happens... could be it;s just an inferior seedling, like the other one was, hardly uncommon actually.....
Oh Down a little bit the ph is too high and how much are you watering them ? They look overwatered slightly which will suffocate the roots and make the leaves yellow looking over time. I feel like it’s easy to overwater autos
Sorry for reviving an old post but the original issue still exists. About 2 weeks has passed and they are growing but as you can see to one's color is really light. The ph going in is between 5.8 & 5.9. I hand water once a day about 1 liter. The final ppm is about 400ppm. I had a bit of nute burn (lower leaves) but have cut back on the nutes and the spread has stopped. 18/6 light cycle.

Any ideas.
Wow.. no idea m8 but hopefully someone can offer something.. the yellower one seems to be growing at the same rate and not gettin any yellower no??? Could it be that it's just a diff pheno that's lighter?? Pure guess :shrug:
Sorry for reviving an old post but the original issue still exists. About 2 weeks has passed and they are growing but as you can see to one's color is really light. The ph going in is between 5.8 & 5.9. I hand water once a day about 1 liter. The final ppm is about 400ppm. I had a bit of nute burn (lower leaves) but have cut back on the nutes and the spread has stopped. 18/6 light cycle.

Any ideas.
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well, lookin at that picture, me really have no answer, or even a suggestion, lol :rolleyes2: but, me do luv watchin mystery theater :biggrin: so me jus gonna sub up & watch the plot unfold, if u don't mind... :pop: ppp
Wow.. no idea m8 but hopefully someone can offer something.. the yellower one seems to be growing at the same rate and not gettin any yellower no??? Could it be that it's just a diff pheno that's lighter?? Pure guess :shrug:
You would be correct. They're both growing at pretty much the same rate. Only problem is is the one is much lighter in color. Same Coco perlite mixture same light cycle same newts in the same amounts excetera excetera. Kind of weird. All of the seeds came from the same batch also. I'm guessing like you said it's just a weird pheno or possibly just a dud.

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