Outdoor New Grow Log Section


AFN Med section Advisor
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Key Lime
Hi AFN'ers and thanks Mossy for allowing us to give this a try

The idea is to create a grow log only area to make it easier for people who want to research a particular grow style, lighting, or variety. There is also a grow log section under indoor. This is a 6 month trial.

As Mossy already mentioned this will be for active or completed logs only. You must update your log at least every 2 weeks or post a notice that you will be gone for a time and then continue updating when you get back. Threads that don't get updated will be moved back to the main Outdoor section.

Please include the grow style (DWC, Soil, Hydro, Organic, etc.) in the title and if you are only growing a single variety include the variety in the name as well.

Autoflower only varieties please but if you have something that fails to auto no problem, it can remain

Please include full details in you first post when you start a new thread so people can quickly see what you are doing.

Any experience level is welcome but if you are looking for a good deal of help with your grow you will probably be better of putting the thread in New Growers or the like

No perpetual grows please, each journal should be a single grow

I would really like thoughts and feedback regarding the new sections, for example:
Do you want feedback/comments in your logs or do you prefer that they really just be journals?
If you do want feedback/comments do you want that stuff cleaned out once you finish the journal?
Do you want the journal locked once it is finished so that no one posts to it?
Should journals in this section have to start at germination or would it be ok for someone to start a journal latter in the process?
Any other ideas or thoughts for the section?

PS: it is ok to post your ideas here for the next week. I will clean them out after that
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I think single grow is good but keep it here as reference , as for advice if things go wrong it should be asked in the other forums , I feel it would be a good way for other members to see how people progress , comments are good , and to explain how you are growing - Lights nutes ect is good , Locked , I think it should be open , and maybe at the end of the grow advice can then be added ? If this sub forum works it would be a good way to see how people progress and when the senior growers post we can learn from them by seeing how they grow , I think it as a more of a info grow forum as what you have done to get to the end result , right or wrong . I feel it should be from start till end . I can see in time there would be a lot of info gained if you are looking at growing a strain you like . Like lets say Dark Devil you can follow the grow and see how it turned out and why , long as the info is there by the grower it will help . :thumbsup:
I think a lot of people are missing this 'sub-section' entirely. I know I did. If I'd thought about it I could have easily done a log this year - but instead am spread out over other peoples 'Northern Climate' grows. Perhaps if the font size of the clickable section header was larger and perhaps a different colour people might see this section IS here.

I'd let it run for a year (hell I'm almost finished harvesting this years he he). Won't be till April before I'm throwing beans in the ground.
Hmm I do like the idea of this sub-forum but I do not think it is being utilized. I think once a grow / journal is "completed" it should be moved into here so users do not need to scroll through pages and pages of forums / grows to find the journal was never finished i.e. no harvest. Active grows are where they should be, the first page of that sub forum and if they are abandoned they slowly work their way down and off the first page. Yet, I do see where it would be nice to have just growing journals instead of countless - "what's the best auto for me to grow outdoor" thread in the outdoor growing thread.

Also I think more cross forum thread access would be great. If you could tag your thread for different qualifications - indoor or outdoor, organic or not, light choice,hydro or soil, breeder/strain. So say your growing some Sweet Seeds, outside organically. Your thread would show in the sweet seeds sub forum, the outdoor sub forum and the organic sub forum. I think a lot of good grows are being missed by a lot of users because they are so scattered in all the sub forums.
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You can already tag the subject post with as many different keywords as you want. I think it's just that the eye gets drawn down to the list of posts below.... away from the top of the page which has the grow log link. Maybe move it back into the main subsection of the forum pages positioned in its own box just above all the other posts? There certainly seem to be a number of grows going on that appear as growlogs but exist in the main forum Outdoors/Greenhouse section to warrant a change.

While I do see the point of multiple post appearances this might be better served by a more interactive search engine that allows you to visually drill down thru keywords (a tree)?
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Considering this is for outdoor grows, it seems to me it should encompass both auto and photo as many of us run both outdoors at the same time, and creating a separate one for each will be just a lot more work for nothing.

Was going to post my greenhouse grow that's starting up, but not until I know where to put it..........
This initiative sparks hope and enthusiasm for upcoming growers