Indoor New comp suggestion

Jan 8, 2015
Reaction score
Dont really know where to post this but I have a suggestion for the mods

The bom comp is awesome and is a great achievement to winners but I have a suggestion to begin some sort of a member of the month comp or something along those lines

Not so much a member nominating the other members but maybe members of the high team or mods nominating members in private and placing a few outstanding members who make a real effort to help others and go above and beyond to guide new growers or perform test grows to help further the progression of autos. Rhinhs of this nature on a poll once a month then allowing the peeps to vote on a "member of the month" and creating another badge that they would be awarded if won....

This seems to me like it would spur more people to become more active and even more outstanding knowledge to be presented and as well as give those who constantly guide or help the community a way to be recognized.....

Thoughts please?
You would be a perfect candidate lol... it would be a way for the people to actually show there appreciation for peeps with such great contributions like yourself brother ... I would vote for ya lol