New Grower New Balcony OutGrow Chemdog, Afgan kush ryder, ak49, northern lights

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello AFN

as the summer is here I decided to make a grow on my balcony, Iam really excited with my new strains. temp during days is 31 c and at night 21 c. Sun shine all day.
Yet I know nothing about outside grow. What about the light cycle that is significantly reduced from 18 hours when I had the lamps to 12 hours not always direct light. Isn that goin g to affect the size and yield? I use 18 lt pots, 20% soil 30% coco 40 % perlite and 10 % vermiculite. Yet on day 6 they seem really delayed is that they dont have 18 or 20 hours of light? Please any advice and tips for growing outside is most wanted.I dont even know what kind of yield should I expect bigger or smaller? but I need to make some savings on my electricity bill.
I would also appreciate any recommendations for home made insect and spider mite deterrent

I could not upload a pic but to give you an idea they have only the first small leaf above the cotton leaves, and its still very small not more than a centimeter long
Thanks a lot guys.