New Grower neighbours kitten destroyed 2 plants

Mar 9, 2015
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So, my neighbours kitten got in the house sometime earlier this afternoon, probably whilst I got the washing in before heading out.
I return and to tend to my plants when all over a sudden I hear a noise from the next room, I call in and there's the cat looking shit scared and runs passed me and heads straight to my grow area, see an open windows and goes for it, then noticing the height jumps right back landing with front paws smack into the middle of one plant and the backs scrambling and snaps another.
Both plants are snapped pretty much at their base and other areas.
To say I'm pissed is an understatement.
The cat lives on,but not for much longer.
They were coming on great at around 9 inches and smelling lovely.
Can these leaves be used for flavouring my cat stew??
one seriously pissed of Welsh man here, nearly in tears
Wow. Such a pity. I hate cats! Just another reason for me to never have one.
I read somewhere that you can use tape to fix your plants. I don't know how true that is.
You can use tape. Or better yet, gauze, so you can moisten it daily. Prop it up with a paper clip unfolded and a dip sideways like a crutch. Change gauze often, say every other day.

It may pull through.

As for the kitty, it is your neighbors that need their noses rubbed in your soiled cannabis, not the poor little kitty. It was probably just effing off as cats do, they don't MEAN any harm. :howdy:
If you just lost leaves, let them go. If they were growing tops, you can splint them and they will heal. Or you can just let them go and see if they heal on their own.
Man sorry to hear about your plants, those cats can be little a-holes. I believe a neighboring cat tried to use one of my plants as a liter box. I noticed a fairly large hole next to the stalk and maybe what looked like a scratch mark on the root. I filled her back up with soil and haven't noticed any stress. Good luck bro ... Peace!
one was a real clean break about 2 inches high, with a few stems also broken off too
the other where her back feet were going bizare trying to get grip were like in 4-5 pieces
i was too pissed to try and save, i'd started lst'ing them on fri, they were looking/smelling so good, i'm truly gutted
i saw the little bugger this morning and i hissed at her, neighbours saw and looked at me daft. can't tell them off exactly right??
anyhow she also knocked over my snow ryder, which is in one piece and healthy, luckily it's smaller being a week behind, so that's one thing
decided this morning that i'm gonna pop some of my white diesel haze seeds to make up for it
still gutted that i wont have any northern lights though, was really happy with how they were coming along