Need some help with my autos

Apr 12, 2020
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Hey guys! just got a quick question. so im not sure if what im getting here is a deficiency or just a bad genetics from crop kings. but i have 3 white widdow autos that were all started at the same time all watered with the same mixtures in soil ocean forest. one of my plants have been flowering for a week now maybe a day or so less and the other ones i feel like slowed way down right as they were popping pistols. i see some red on some of the newer stems at the end of the nodes. but other then that it looks pretty healthy. maybe some twisting of the new leaves here n there but i think thats a genetic thing because all of them did that even in my last grow. the last 2 waterings ive only added cal mag just in case its some over nuteing or something but now im not sure. ph run off is 6.8 and i usually ph my water from 6.2-6.6 ish light is about 15 inches away. normal nute dose is 2ml of cal mag, 2ml of micro, 1ml gro, 2ml of bloom for weeks 4-6 if you could help that would be cool. the slowish flowering is whats getting me here idk why one plant is so far ahead of flowering then the other 2 when they are the same age and strain. Thanks in advance


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Could just be down to different phenos of the same strain. I’ve just grown 3 Jack47 Autos - all fed and watered the same but all 3 are slightly different. One is a lot taller and has rock hard buds, the other two are short and bushy but one has a super frosty finish and one is frosty but not to the point where the buds look white. Both the short bushy ones have lots of fluffier buds compared to fewer rock hard buds on the tall one.