Need some help what’s going wrong

Sep 21, 2022
Reaction score
Problem: Leaves yellowing

Medium/grow method: Promix BX

Feed: and supplements used: FF trio and bush doctor calmag 2.5ml and 10ml of Tiger bloom hand watered about a half gallon every 2 days

water source: Tap water ph6.7 ph’d down to 6 ppm 50

Strain/age: Mohan Ram 5 weeks sweet seeds genetics

light used: chinly 1000w LED and 2 chinly 200w LED in the same 4x4 light is 18 and 1/2 inches 24/0 cycle

Climate:74.1°F and 58%RH

Additional info: It’s just onset the past couple of days my other Mohan started to rust like craz so I did a calmag foliage spray and it seemed to like it… I figured I would try to get some great advice from this pretty dope community
Next feeiding try uping the cal/mag to 5ml per gallon and use veg nutes not bloom nutes.and lower ph to 6.4.
Looks like a classic Mg issue to me. Epsom salts will work to fix that if it's a deficiency but since it's the lower leaves I'm leaning towards lockout.

10ml of tiger bloom is a tad high. I only used 5ml every other watering and never added cal/mag. FF has mg in it's bottle nutes so you shouldn't need it unless it's a hungry strain or your soil wasn't ammendmend with Dolomite lime.

I ran FFOF so it had Dolomite lime in it and appears promix bx does not so you may need some cal/mag. I'd just back off the tiger bloom, add a few ml/gal of cal-mag and see how it responds. Just make sure you check pH like recommended above. I use 6.5 for soil. I was usually feeding them tiger bloom by day 35. Hope that helps.
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Looks like a classic Mg issue to me. Epsom salts will work to fix that if it's a deficiency but since it's the lower leaves I'm leaning towards lockout.

10ml of tiger bloom is a tad high. I only used 5ml every other watering and never added cal/mag. FF has mg in it's bottle nutes so you shouldn't need it unless it's a hungry strain or your soil wasn't ammendmend with Dolomite lime.

I ran FFOF so it had Dolomite lime in it and appears promix bx does not so you may need some cal/mag. I'd just back off the tiger bloom, add a few ml/gal of cal-mag and see how it responds. Just make sure you check pH like recommended above. I use 6.5 for soil. I was usually feeding them tiger bloom by day 35. Hope that helps.
Is it really yeah I had no idea I had to amend my promix with dolomite lime. I checked the ph of the soil and it’s at 6.6 and the PPM was 89 so yeah I’m def gonna back off the nutes on that one……oh yeah this is the feeding schedule I found for autos