Need some help, photo and auto issues

May 21, 2022
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So i have 1 plant that is a cbd that I found a seed is some cbd flower that is growing with my autos. The autos are flowering but the cbd is obviously photo. Any recommendations on should I let it stay in veg until my autos are done or should i cut back to 12/12 and let the cbd plant flower,? Autos are at 5 weeks since seed now. Looking for advice.
I tried that once for similar reasons and thought it wouldn’t make a difference. It did, it rather dramatically reduced the autos growth. But I had around 4 weeks left on the autos. Just my ten cent, but if you can hold out till closer to the last week it would probably be better than what I ended up with. Good luck!
If you haven't already, I'd top the photo, and continue to top it until the autos are done, then grow it to fill the tent.

yep, already topped it, i don’t mind letting it bush more until the autoflowers are done, just didn’t want to mess it up. It actually looks really good, just no flowers yet. It was a seed found in cbdnugs fruity pebbles. Seems to have stopped growing or it could be me. Here is a pic. It sprouted around 4/19.
So i have 1 plant that is a cbd that I found a seed is some cbd flower that is growing with my autos. The autos are flowering but the cbd is obviously photo. Any recommendations on should I let it stay in veg until my autos are done or should i cut back to 12/12 and let the cbd plant flower,? Autos are at 5 weeks since seed now. Looking for advice.
Since your thinking about holding till the autos are done and running it out, I'd clone it enough to fill the tent....your already gonna be doing a 12/12 so it makes sense to use it to your advantage instead of for one plant.
My 2 cents... since I've grown autos and photos together for 20 years, I say switch to 12/12 and let'em rip. Any "drastic" loss of yeild is simply grower related.
Without a doubt keep the lighting for the autos and let the photo cbd plant veg longer, photo's veg far longer than most all autos, so let it grow.
Since your thinking about holding till the autos are done and running it out, I'd clone it enough to fill the tent....your already gonna be doing a 12/12 so it makes sense to use it to your advantage instead of for one plant.

good idea, now time to research cloning, haha.
good idea, now time to research cloning, haha.
Easy peasy....different methods to do it....plan on losing half of them and you won't be disapointed, got one I need to do myself, a mislabeled bean. Going to go with rockwool and a dome this time. Have a clone king but it's a pain to dig out of shed.