Outdoor need info Lowryder2



hello there, have few questions about this strain if anyone can help me out would be great:
How tall does it grow outdoors, n how to keep it short?
and does it smell much?:confused:
Not sure about the smell and height.
But to keep it short you can use smaller pots but that will mean smaller yeild
or you could Low Stress Training (LST) that requires you to tie down the plant to the pot. This will keep it short and could possibly yield more
ok...i heard somewhere that if u transplant it when its strats to flower it shocks it...and stays small is this true?
Not if you transplant them properly. A lot of people don't like to transplant so either start them in their final pots or use the tiered method. I transplant mine right after they sex and never have any issues. Within a day they are back to growing normally.

I haven't grown any LR II in about 5 years but if I remember correctly they got about 14 - 18" tall outdoors and the smell wasn't too bad on them. I would expect they would get bigger if I grew them again. At that time they were my first auto grow and I was still learning about how best to grow autos.
Mine had a fairly low odor - mainly due to it being a small plant, but it's very controllable indoors. If you're growing it outdoors, not sure I'd worry much. Muddy and others are correct of course as well regarding small pots if you want to control size/height. Good yielding plant for its size. Surprisingly strong potency, excellent beginner plant, could see myself growing it again.

My trouble with auto's has always been making it successfully through the first 2 weeks, LR2's can handle a lot once established, I transplanted mine after week 3 (early flowering) and it had no problems regarding that.
ok thanks.. when should it be started on nutes? probably gona grow some on the windowsill for seeds as well
i started these and grew for 3yrs in soil,10 liter pots, 600w hps and hydro, will stretch to 4 ft mosr some 2 some more, quite alot of side branching and bud spread, and as they are heavy on the indica side they do smell quite alot when flowering, quite skunky, hope this helps! will yield up to 1/1/2 oz indoors in this way, possibly 2 on a good one, 3/4-1 on the runts. nutes can be started bout 2nd week light, and once established they really will take alot of abuse, ive grown mid winter uk, left a week with no watering, all were fine, in fact the slight stress probably made them better in my opinion!
hello there, have few questions about this strain if anyone can help me out would be great:
How tall does it grow outdoors, n how to keep it short?
and does it smell much?:confused:
i started these and grew for 3yrs in soil,10 liter pots, 600w hps and hydro, will stretch to 4 ft mosr some 2 some more, quite alot of side branching and bud spread, and as they are heavy on the indica side they do smell quite alot when flowering, quite skunky, hope this helps! will yield up to 1/1/2 oz indoors in this way, possibly 2 on a good one, 3/4-1 on the runts. nutes can be started bout 2nd week light, and once established they really will take alot of abuse, ive grown mid winter uk, left a week with no watering, all were fine, in fact the slight stress probably made them better in my opinion!

your lowrryder #2 streched 4 ft???and you only yielded 1 and a half ozs???:s sounds kinda wierd to me where te flowering sites pretty spaced out n lanky or what??sounds like your light was to far away
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yes, light far as i tried to stretch, they will go 4 ft, but yield in pots is about 2 0z max, they get lanky and bud spaced up branches with 1 sinle smallish cola on top, thats why i switched as harvesting 20 at once was a nightmare as they were so bitty! found cobra better, low 2 cross with bigger single cola, 4 ft small, i got a 1.3 mt mini gun only now showing but these do 1.5 anyhow! low 2 an excellent plant but things have moved on and most will have low 2 somewhere in there gene pool if u go back!
your lowrryder #2 streched 4 ft???and you only yielded 1 and a half ozs???:s sounds kinda wierd to me where te flowering sites pretty spaced out n lanky or what??sounds like your light was to far away
That will depend to a large degree on what type of soil that you use. If it's something like Fox Farms Ocean Forest, which contains worm castings and bat guano, you won't have to feed for the first 3-4 weeks. If your using something like Pro Mix or Sunshine Mix, which are basic peat mixtures, you might have to feed as early as week 2.

ok thanks.. when should it be started on nutes? probably gona grow some on the windowsill for seeds as well