Lighting Need help with light placement. Having trouble dialing in.

Jan 7, 2020
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So originally, I was in a 2x4 with a Phlizon linear series 240w QB. I upgraded to a 4x4 and added a kingbrite 320w. I am assuming that since both lights are on and combining the lighting footprint that both par charts are inaccurate. How can I find the right distances to set my lights at if I do not have a PAR meter? How does everyone else figure out their light heights? TIA!
What I do is watch for tacoing, and back off if I see it. With those watts, you should have lots of power for your 4x4. You could start with them dialed down at recommended distance, or on full power but greater distance. More power from further away makes for more "penetration".

You are correct that the par charts will both be inaccurate. However, if you overlap the charts to mimic your light placement, simply adding the two charts together at each point should get you close to your combined par. It may not be quite accurate due to different wall reflection than used during par mapping of the individual lights, but I expect that any inaccuracy will be smaller than the variation in light tolerance between strains anyway. Bottom line is that the plants have the final say. :biggrin:

Good luck with it. :pighug:
What I do is watch for tacoing, and back off if I see it. With those watts, you should have lots of power for your 4x4. You could start with them dialed down at recommended distance, or on full power but greater distance. More power from further away makes for more "penetration".

You are correct that the par charts will both be inaccurate. However, if you overlap the charts to mimic your light placement, simply adding the two charts together at each point should get you close to your combined par. It may not be quite accurate due to different wall reflection than used during par mapping of the individual lights, but I expect that any inaccuracy will be smaller than the variation in light tolerance between strains anyway. Bottom line is that the plants have the final say. :biggrin:

Good luck with it. :pighug:

I have not had any tacoing, but almost every plant that I have grown since then has foxtailed. Even with my original light higher than I normally kept it, the ones under it are close to done and still putting out a decent amount of pistils every day. Thanks for the advice on overlapping. I will be adding it up now!
I have not had any tacoing, but almost every plant that I have grown since then has foxtailed. Even with my original light higher than I normally kept it, the ones under it are close to done and still putting out a decent amount of pistils every day. Thanks for the advice on overlapping. I will be adding it up now!
Just make sure that the centers of the par maps are spaced the same as your lights. Don’t align the map centers simply on top of one another.

Good luck with it. :pighug: