Need help with Biotabs, what went wrong?

Apr 20, 2020
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Hello everyone, after years of lurking here, I need some help with BioTabs (Hope this is the right section)

I've had a great experience with BioTabs in the previous cycle, but this time it's giving me some headaches.

My plants are around the middle of week five. I added everything they recommend in my 10-liter pots: 50g Startrex, 50g Silicium Flash, Mycotrex, and Bactrex.
I added the first tab on day 21 and the second on day 30 (the girls are around 30 to 32 days)

As you can see in the pictures, the plants are very dark green.
They’re not clawing, but they’re showing signs of potassium deficiency (lower leaves yellowing and brown burns) which me leads to think about N locking K.
They also didn’t develop as well as the last grow and the flower signs started way too early, even though I upgraded my lights this time and kept DLI and VPD always on point.

Last grow, I added the first one on day 7 and everything went well, with only a little nitrogen toxicity and this time I changed a bit to avoid that.
But today, to my surprise, I spotted some balls on the branches. Two of my girls are freaking herming (Mephisto 4 Assed Monkey and Pinot Noir)!
Notice how they’re way too dark green in the picture (and the deff on the bottom).
They all are suffering from the same, which me leads to think this is nutrient-related or the hot temps (sometimes the room reaches 30 degrees on canopy)even tho I have grown in way worse conditions)

So since their support says I'm doing the right thing, I would like to question other users this is how you guys use it?

- Do I need to transplant it before putting it on the soil?
- I read somewhere that the problem might be the Silicium Flash, should I use only Startrex?
- Should I add the Tabs only after the flower starts?

Please I'm really lost here and need some guidance I cut my losses but I want to avoid that again.

Thank you very much!


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Today, while checking the plants, I found another ball on Mango Smile. WTF?

  • Pinot Noir - discarded
  • 4 Assed Monkey - on death row; if she shows one more ball, I’m getting rid of her
  • Mango Smile - showed 2 balls today
Three plants are showing stress sacs in a single grow. Something is very wrong, and I need help.
I'm not here to shit Mephisto or anything, but the other 2 plants from other seedbanks are running with no issues, but this is probably a big coincidence.

Here’s the current state of my tent. I know 31 degrees is too hot, but it was only for a day or two. I'm running an 18/6 light schedule now (it was 20/4 at the beginning).

Could changing the light schedule be causing this?
I'm leaving the tent and the room door opened, so there is a lot of light leaks going on, but autos aren't really affected by light leaks right?

My light has 1024 diodes, 16 are IR's (730nm) that can be turned off, this is the problem?

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Not sure whats going on there but I never had a problem with temps that high...31c is 88f...I only start looking at lowering A/C if it gets above 90f
Hopefully someone with more knowledge chimes in.
The girls are doing pretty well right now (in the pic). Maybe I overreacted a little since I got two hermies at the same time. I thought I had done something very wrong and would ruin my entire crop, after some research i noticed they all had Gorilla Glue 4# as a parent which is known for hermie traits, and after the summer heat maybe this was the issue.

is there a way to close this thread?


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I'm of the thought that any feminized seed could show hermie traits if the right conditions are met and some just carry a higher possibility. Each seed is it's own individual. Had one of my grape derivative's show two balls right at the first branching last run, never had problems with any before and it was contained there at the first branching. Only found them when I was starting to trim her down after hanging a couple days. They never turned to flowers, never opened or anything. I had to manualy open them up outside and it could have been a disaster if they had opened there was a lot of pollen in those two sacs.