New Grower Need help not sure what the problem is with these.

Nov 20, 2021
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Need help. Ph 5.5 to 6.5. Us distilled water from store. Happy frog soil 5 gallon fabric pots. Problem started before adding any nutrients temp stays from 73 to 80. Humidity around 40 to 50 % have hydro farm led 1000 watt dual fans in top of tent 1 on floor. A vivosun exhaust fan on and off every hour lights on 18/6. Keep all jugs of water in grow tent so not cold when feeding. Used a spray bottle to water cause of stunned last grow from over watering. Done a nutrients feeding after problem started. I gallon for 2 plants general hydroponics is nutrients i use. I gave. Micro grow bloom cal mag bio root
Have no clue whats going on with these plants. Ones a pineapple express auto. And a fem Gelato problem same on both plants.


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Ph for soil is 6-7, 6.4-6.8 being optimal. How old are they? I ask cuz FFHF has calmag & Nutes to feed plants for 3-4 weeks and too much too soon may cause lockout, especially with watering at a low ph.
Ph for soil is 6-7, 6.4-6.8 being optimal. How old are they? I ask cuz FFHF has calmag & Nutes to feed plants for 3-4 weeks and too much too soon may cause lockout, especially with watering at a low ph.
There about a month old.
I bet its the distilled water. Zero PPM.

If you drop a fish in distilled water, the osmosis will cause it to swell and burst.

As it absorbs CO2 it becomes slightly acidic, carbonic acid.

2H20 + CO2 --> H2O + H2CO3 (carbonic acid) --> H3O+ (hydronium) + HCO3- (bicarbonate ions)
It could be cause there 2 different types of plants with same problem. What water should I use i would like to buy ro system but just dont have the $$$$ for that yet.
It could be cause there 2 different types of plants with same problem. What water should I use i would like to buy ro system but just dont have the $$$$ for that yet.
Is there something preventing you from using tap water?
I do a 50/50 mix of tap/rainwater. My tap comes out at 200-210 ppm. I mix it down to 100-110 w/rainwater. I did this with FFHF soil and never Had a cal or Mg issue. it may be worth a try, but I don’t know what ur tap water is like.