Need help, not sure if its a deficiency or excess

May 21, 2022
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My leaves are turning yellow and brown on the tips then they will dry up and fall off. Not sure if its a K deficiency or excess or something else.

they are on week 12 from seed.

ffof soil 3 gallon pots
Dr earth and flower girl dry amendments
Cal mag every other watering
Water half gallon per plant every 3 days, ph 6.5
Any advice?

Week 12, sounds like they could just be getting their fall colors, getting ready to end their lives.
This late in the game, it doesn't even matter. Just keep doing what you're doing until the trichs are where you want them. Looks like you're gonna have a pretty good harvest :eyebrows:
This late in the game, it doesn't even matter. Just keep doing what you're doing until the trichs are where you want them. Looks like you're gonna have a pretty good harvest :eyebrows:

Thanks, one is already about 5% amber, the rest look like they have a few weeks to go. I won’t mess with anything then since its so close.
I would stop giving calmag though. You dont really even need to use it in FF soil. They put lime in their soil which provides plenty of cal to get you through a grow.
I would stop giving calmag though. You dont really even need to use it in FF soil. They put lime in their soil which provides plenty of cal to get you through a grow.

thats good to know, thanks. I was planning on starting flushing soon before i got worried about those leaves.
thats good to know, thanks. I was planning on starting flushing soon before i got worried about those leaves.
Dont flush either lol. Thats oldschool bro science and there is no benefit. Feed your plants all the way til harvest.
I would usually post pics of my plants/buds to back up what I'm telling you right now, but I've been called a show-off one to many times :rofl: :crying:
By the way, that's a nice grow you have, the tall plant in the back has a nice cola going!