NEED HELP, Issue just came over a few days

May 21, 2022
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So I am on week 7 since seed pop. Has been going good until a few days ago. I have recently had a thrip issue that was resolved but not sure why I am turning colors. Any advice? Here is my specs.

Banana Kush Auto ILGM.
Week 7 from Seed.
3 Gallon FFOF soil.
1/4 Gallon of PH 6.2-6.5 Bottled Spring water every 3-4 days.
Mars Hydro TS1000 18/6.
Great white myco 3 times since sprout.
Week 3 added 4 tbps flower girl and 3 tbps dr earth life
Week 5 added 6 tbps flower girl and 1 tbps dr earth and topped with a layer of FFOF.
I have been adding 1-2 tbps of molasses every other watering.

I have NOT added any Cal/Mag yet.

Thanks for any help.

I had a similar issue one of my last soil grows. I added terp tea thinking a N def. but it didn't help. It may be beginning senescence. BTW, I also had a resolved thrips issue and it started about the same time.
I had a similar issue one of my last soil grows. I added terp tea thinking a N def. but it didn't help. It may be beginning senescence. BTW, I also had a resolved thrips issue and it started about the same time.

So this could just be normal towards the end of life? Its my first grow so being cautious. I think I have about 4 weeks left before harvest. I could try to add some fish fertilizer for a N boost but wanted to confirm before I created other issues.
So this could just be normal towards the end of life? Its my first grow so being cautious. I think I have about 4 weeks left before harvest. I could try to add some fish fertilizer for a N boost but wanted to confirm before I created other issues.
I should have added: It could have been K tox and lockout. If so, adding the terp tea likely made it worse. ALso, 3 gallons of FFOF may get you through an auto in terms of N but I have not used it.

But to your question, it's possible. But regardless, diagnosing/fixing issues in los is hard to do. Nothing works quickly. You could have excess K and lockout. Hard to know, and any remedy at this stage may make it worse. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
I should have added: It could have been K tox and lockout. If so, adding the terp tea likely made it worse. ALso, 3 gallons of FFOF may get you through an auto in terms of N but I have not used it.

But to your question, it's possible. But regardless, diagnosing/fixing issues in los is hard to do. Nothing works quickly. You could have excess K and lockout. Hard to know, and any remedy at this stage may make it worse. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

Dang, hard to make a decision, lol. I bought some fish fertilizer 5-1-1. Might add a tablespoon to a gallon of water and see how it does. I just need 4 more weeks. So close to mess up.

I just am not convinced yet its a Nitrogen def. I want to believe the thrips caused this because it came on all of a sudden and I seen lots of signs of them.