Indoor Need help assessing a slight issue, maybe, with one of my widows. First grow ever.


Dope Farmer ⛽
Apr 16, 2019
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
White Crack - Mephisto
Alright so I'm seeing my first signs of something looking a little weird on the first true leaves on one of my widows. You can see at the base where they grow out of the stem, the leaves seem a little brittle and are curling up a bit close to the stem. I turned the lights off to look at them with natural light and they look like a really good green, not burned like from nutes or lights, but I also have no idea what's going on, or if I'm just over reacting? When I installed the oscillating fan, yesterday, it was kind of blowing directly at that plant until I thought maybe put it above to get some passive air instead of direct air but this has progressed after I moved the fan to indirectly blow on this babe. The other widow at same growth does not have this issue at all right now.

Edit also haven't watered in over 48 hours but soil is still damp like 1in deep so I have been resisting the urge to water bad because they are still wet.
Temp and humidity have been stable pretty much within 5-8° F range since birth highest temps at 84° which they loved honestly, hasn't been that hot since I got environment dialed in.

Let me know if I'm being a pansy and need to put my big boy pants on or if you know what's going on help ya boy out! I appreciate you all and Happy Monday. If you want different photos or anything let me know I can go snap a shot like right now. Not playing

You'll need to fill out the Infirmary form dude also pics without the LED on helps the pros help you quicker

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You'll need to fill out the Infirmary form dude also pics without the LED on helps the pros help you quicker

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You are right. One second
-Problem: Curling up of first fan leaves starting near stem
-Medium/grow method: soil-- 40/40/20 FFOF/FFHF/Perlite
-Feed and supplements used: Last water fed with 2ml/gallon strength botanicare calmag plus, because of running straight RO water for almost 10 days, predressed soil with 1tbsp/ gal soil with oyster shells for added buffer with hot soil
-Water source: RO water. pH of 6.5 straight
-Strain and age: Seedsman White Widow Autos, today is 9 days from breaking out of shell
Night-day temp 73-81°f, I run my probe right at leaf height to get an idea what temps are at their level and quoted temps are for leaf height specifically ground temps are about 2° f lower if that matters ~45-65 RH, 3x3x6 Apollo Horticulture tent
Lights used: kingplus 2000 watt LED, true watts ~390, 25 in from top of seedlings. Do not own a par meter or anything to test light quality
-Additional info:
this happened literally overnight. The widows were healthy and blowing up the next morning it looks like that one go cooked. Temp got up to 81 today at the highest point before I got an alarm and upped the exhaust. But it may have been that warm for maybe 30 mins. Still not crazy hot. I will go check on them right now and snap a photo light off
That seedling looks fine to me. Whatever curling there is, I don't see a problem at this point. A lot of times seedling leaves get wrinkled etc. and always grow out of it.
That seedling looks fine to me. Whatever curling there is, I don't see a problem at this point. A lot of times seedling leaves get wrinkled etc. and always grow out of it.
:toke:- seedlings want less intense light, so even at 25" it may not be far enough... some of the other staff growers have really powerful lights and found that they had to go 30" in some cases to reduce intensity enough to stop potential light stress symptoms,... And AW here is also right, sometimes younger leaves are more touchy about particulars besides light... that heat spell might be behind some distortion, if the VPD (T and RH% balance, more complex than this, but that's the gist; look in Reference for a nice article on VPD) -- were off enough to cause some temporary funky growth....81 is OK, if the RH% is high enough for the seedling which like higher RH% initially,.... otherwise, you good, no real harm done here! :thumbsup: