Outdoor need guerilla grow spot advice.



ok well ive found a spot, theres a lake which is on private land its for a fishing club anyways the only people allowed on it are fishers and next to the lake is a massive thorn bush and thistle field. a road surrounds the area but theres trees and bushes which distort the view. where should i plant. i was thinking by the edge by a thornbush which has trees covering it. It gets nice sunlight too, or is the spot in general bad. (the thistles are dead atm) so brown and hardly any green plants around except the bush and tree. im pretty sure no one ever goes their so any advice?
IDK about that bro How far away is the lake from the bushes? I mean like the number 1 cardinal rule is dont plant by fishing locals. Imagine someone getting a whiff of your plants on a day the wind happens to be blowing in the wrong direction. People are curious if they see the smallest hint of a trail they are gonna explore. Idk to me seems like a bad idea. Try to find a stream or creek where the water isnt as stagnant either, then find a place that isnt by alot of foot traffic.
its like in the middle of the city and its like 100ms my area is quite urban, hardly anywhere to plant them.
Well I think that sounds like a great spot! If you're running at a lack of options in an urban environment then that's about as good as it's going to get. You just have to work with what you have. I'd order one of the smaller autoflower plants and cram it right in the middle of the thorn bushes. Make sure wherever you plant gets direct sunlight at least half the day during summer, not just now. Right by a lake you say? Then dig down a bit till you hit water and fill the hole with your planting mix. If the water level is high enough you might not even need to come back to water. Just mark your calender, add about a week to the finishing time of the auto for being outside and come back when you cross off the last day. Bam, a lil weed for you. Don't get greedy and plant a lot, you are in a populated area. I've done grows in urban areas and it's worked out dandy, it's just sketchy as all hell.
yeh i get you ill only do the 5 seeds i have and spread em out, if i get 5 crops well thats a win but if i only get one thats just as good
anywhere your feet get wet people will not go unless there is a reason... a regular potted plant can be put on wet ground and never need to be watered...and with some natural camo you can pull it off... in the city there are fenced in drainage areas with tall grasses... If your young enough at night you can climb a fence and plant wetter the better...
hey, i like to stick plants in random spots in farmers fields and with gps technology eg i use gpslogger on my bb its easy to get back to where you planted it. Plant one hit a button move on to the next spot plant one hit a button and move on. You get the idea and then just use the mapping technology to get back to the spot. Some will go missing others will not. ;)
That might not work so well for someone in an urban environment. Also consider the fact when you plant in a farmers field you're fucking with someone's livelihood. Damn good way to find out what salt shot is.
I'm not so sure what you mean but the farmers dont really get charged for it if thats what your suggesting. Its rather common around here and being from Canada we dont get shot at around here.