Near harvest, new white pistills (pls help)

Oct 10, 2020
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Hi im growing a norther ligh auto and its just under 12 weeks, the leaves are turning yellow (quite a few are completly yellow) and the trichomes are cloudy, so i was going to give it less than a week and flush but the last couple of days a lot of white pistills have suddenly come out of nowhere, the top cola has the most but lower buds sites have sprouted some aswell i dont know what to do can i still go ahead and flush and harvest or do i need to leave it until these new white pistils start to turn brown any advice on this would be a massive help as this is my first grow and i havent got a clue as to why the plant is forming new pistils i would upload a pic but i broke phone and having to use an older one atm and camera is crap so no point uploading one but any help is greatly appreciated
Hi im growing a norther ligh auto and its just under 12 weeks, the leaves are turning yellow (quite a few are completly yellow) and the trichomes are cloudy, so i was going to give it less than a week and flush but the last couple of days a lot of white pistills have suddenly come out of nowhere, the top cola has the most but lower buds sites have sprouted some aswell i dont know what to do can i still go ahead and flush and harvest or do i need to leave it until these new white pistils start to turn brown any advice on this would be a massive help as this is my first grow and i havent got a clue as to why the plant is forming new pistils i would upload a pic but i broke phone and having to use an older one atm and camera is crap so no point uploading one but any help is greatly appreciated
go by the trichomes :d5: im not sure the reason plants do this but its normal enough
ive had this happen once a while ago I'm not sure if it was because i was using mammoth p late in flower but @Trichome farmer told me go by trichomes as the hairs will turn brown once dried anyway some great advice also cong88 enjoy your harvest
ive had this happen once a while ago I'm not sure if it was because i was using mammoth p late in flower but @Trichome farmer told me go by trichomes as the hairs will turn brown once dried anyway some great advice also cong88 enjoy your harvest
Thanks brother and yes looking forward to harvesting it just hope its a gd smoke