Indoor Nanners!! Canna Cheese & Toof Decay No-Till

That's too bad...
I know you want to grow them plants out. I've grown out plants that had nanners before. Only one time I've never done it again.
I had got seeds from feminine seeds purple Morocco back in 2014. All of the Clones that I made from the one plant all of them hermaphrodite. And I was still kind of fresh at recognizing a hermaphrodite plant. And ended up with six plants that all hermaphrodite and with lot's of seeds. the plant's all about 6 ft tall or more. Lot's of weed and seeds. I had a bonfire with a couple of plant's and a guy came and bought the rest. :doh:
It's not that it was so bad that it had seeds. It's that I couldn't use it I just didn't have any use for it at that time as I wasn't in the know about making concentrates at that time. No body wanted hash at that time. ? But it sure did make a hell of a good fire with lots of snap crackles and Pops. And if you stood in the smoke you sure could get high LOL:rofl::hothot::jointman:

But it's not to say that you might have Lady Luck on your side. I'm just saying it's probably likely it will happen again with that plant.
:cheers::pass: Good luck though pal happy growing.
That's too bad...
I know you want to grow them plants out. I've grown out plants that had nanners before. Only one time I've never done it again.
I had got seeds from feminine seeds purple Morocco back in 2014. All of the Clones that I made from the one plant all of them hermaphrodite. And I was still kind of fresh at recognizing a hermaphrodite plant. And ended up with six plants that all hermaphrodite and with lot's of seeds. the plant's all about 6 ft tall or more. Lot's of weed and seeds. I had a bonfire with a couple of plant's and a guy came and bought the rest. :doh:
It's not that it was so bad that it had seeds. It's that I couldn't use it I just didn't have any use for it at that time as I wasn't in the know about making concentrates at that time. No body wanted hash at that time. ? But it sure did make a hell of a good fire with lots of snap crackles and Pops. And if you stood in the smoke you sure could get high LOL:rofl::hothot::jointman:

But it's not to say that you might have Lady Luck on your side. I'm just saying it's probably likely it will happen again with that plant.
:cheers::pass: Good luck though pal happy growing.

Hey man I appreciate the advice!! Real bummer with their herm plants.

I’m checking the whole plant a few times a day and haven’t seen anything since those 2 nanners… I’m gonna get rid of it at first sign of any more herm.

Still getting the hang of growing and dialing in the environment so growing them out will still help me learn. Worst case I let seeded buds cure for a few months for dry sift!
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Hey man I appreciate the advice!! Real bummer with their herm plants.

I’m checking the whole plant a few times a day and haven’t seen anything since those 2 nanners… I’m gonna get rid of it at first sign of any more herm.

Still getting the hang of growing and dialing in the environment so growing them out will still help me learn. Worst case I let seeded buds cure for a few months for dry sift!
Oh yeah I'm old enough to know cleaning seeds out of a bud ain't nothing no big deal. I've cleaned plenty LOL. And you're right.. It's good Growing Experience for you and it could be all of your environment. Could be too hot too much light too much nitrogen those are all keys when a plant flip out like that with seeds. but then again it can just be from the breeder. It's so hard to tell. What the real issue is. Unless you grow the seeds out a couple of time with different Environmental parameters each time you grow a seed from that breeder. The last time I had nanners was from an experimental seed from one of the Breeders that we have here on afn. I haven't grown it since and pulled the plant immediately when I noticed the nanners. But it was already too late and she was full of seeds. I still have some of it here. We smoke on it every now and then it's still pretty good weed. you just got to clean all the seeds out. :pass:
Oh yeah I'm old enough to know cleaning seeds out of a bud ain't nothing no big deal. I've cleaned plenty LOL. And you're right.. It's good Growing Experience for you and it could be all of your environment. Could be too hot too much light too much nitrogen those are all keys when a plant flip out like that with seeds. but then again it can just be from the breeder. It's so hard to tell. What the real issue is. Unless you grow the seeds out a couple of time with different Environmental parameters each time you grow a seed from that breeder. The last time I had nanners was from an experimental seed from one of the Breeders that we have here on afn. I haven't grown it since and pulled the plant immediately when I noticed the nanners. But it was already too late and she was full of seeds. I still have some of it here. We smoke on it every now and then it's still pretty good weed. you just got to clean all the seeds out. :pass:

Good point on the environmental factors. The plant that hermed has shown N tox since the beginning and has been really finicky in this soil…. then we had a super hot day and it threw the nanners!

Weird cause the other plant is thriving in the same setup. Hoping it doesn’t get fussy again if I maintain a steady environment
Good point on the environmental factors. The plant that hermed has shown N tox since the beginning and has been really finicky in this soil…. then we had a super hot day and it threw the nanners!

Weird cause the other plant is thriving in the same setup. Hoping it doesn’t get fussy again if I maintain a steady environment
Right now that sounds like a really likely cause right there. Nitrogen toxicity is real culprit. A lot of people don't realize it it happened but you got to have nitrogen in your flower. Some people try to tell you that well no nitrogen is required. That maybe when you're an organic grower. I am 99.9% organic grower now. But I've grown with all styles except for one I have not done. Aeroponics yet. I was supposed to do it this grow but the pump was 80 bucks and I didn't feel like spending the money for a high pressure pump. I got everything else to set it up.
O I still need to buy the the pipe that I wanted to use cuz I was going to use.a recirculating 8 inch PVC pipe with the holes in it for the baskets to hang inside of. But other than that I got everything else.
This is my run right now. I'm running 6 mg 25 modified grapes 25. And two headband plants in this grow. The guy I work for he gave me all these plants on the 14th of last month. So I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots with Organic Soil on the 15th what for a 2-week veg and now I have flip them on the 1st of February the 12 12 lighting under 3000k CMH lights and far red LED bars in the 730 nanometer range.

Past under 41k cmh light until 2/01/22. The flip to the 3000k cmh and far red LEDs

Right now that sounds like a really likely cause right there. Nitrogen toxicity is real culprit. A lot of people don't realize it it happened but you got to have nitrogen in your flower. Some people try to tell you that well no nitrogen is required. That maybe when you're an organic grower. I am 99.9% organic grower now. But I've grown with all styles except for one I have not done. Aeroponics yet. I was supposed to do it this grow but the pump was 80 bucks and I didn't feel like spending the money for a high pressure pump. I got everything else to set it up.
O I still need to buy the the pipe that I wanted to use cuz I was going to use.a recirculating 8 inch PVC pipe with the holes in it for the baskets to hang inside of. But other than that I got everything else.
This is my run right now. I'm running 6 mg 25 modified grapes 25. And two headband plants in this grow. The guy I work for he gave me all these plants on the 14th of last month. So I transplanted them into 5 gallon pots with Organic Soil on the 15th what for a 2-week veg and now I have flip them on the 1st of February the 12 12 lighting under 3000k CMH lights and far red LED bars in the 730 nanometer range.View attachment 1417152View attachment 1417153View attachment 1417154View attachment 1417155View attachment 1417156View attachment 1417157

Past under 41k cmh light until 2/01/22. The flip to the 3000k cmh and far red LEDs

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those are looking real nice :smoking:
those are looking real nice :smoking:

I appreciate it I try to work under a system with the acronym kiss keep it simple stupid. And that's how I run any longer. I grow just as good as weed is anybody else does I do it organically. And I'm super fine with my outcomes. Very rarely do I have a plant well for lack of a better word F up. But growing organically is really my love. The guy I work for he uses those artificial nutrients. And his weed gets me just as high as anybody else's weed or my own. But the problem with the weed is grown with those artificial nutrients it burns my throat every time. And I don't like it. They claim if your artificial nutrients have better flavor. Well that's a matter of opinion cuz I think they taste like caca for lack of a better term. I like my organic newts I like worms. I don't feed the plants. As crazy as that sounds I don't feed a plant. I feed the microbes. It's all about the microbes the microbes feed your plant. The microbes eat the organic waste that's in the soil they eat the Worm poop that's in the soil and they poop themselves in the plant eats the micro poop. That's a fact of plant life. I learned this about six years ago and never turn back. I'm primarily an outside grower I love to grow outside. I do very well outside. Huge plants in huge yields. And I only grow AAA flower. All the larf or little teeny weeny Buds and teeny weeny stems that are underneath of plant I trim that all off and throw it to the ground don't care about it. As I said I only grow AAA flower.
Some of my past year's grows.
I grow in two different places of my own. And I also help a farmer out that's not too far from me here where I live at. The pics of his farm will be the very last ones.
I appreciate it I try to work under a system with the acronym kiss keep it simple stupid. And that's how I run any longer. I grow just as good as weed is anybody else does I do it organically. And I'm super fine with my outcomes. Very rarely do I have a plant well for lack of a better word F up. But growing organically is really my love. The guy I work for he uses those artificial nutrients. And his weed gets me just as high as anybody else's weed or my own. But the problem with the weed is grown with those artificial nutrients it burns my throat every time. And I don't like it. They claim if your artificial nutrients have better flavor. Well that's a matter of opinion cuz I think they taste like caca for lack of a better term. I like my organic newts I like worms. I don't feed the plants. As crazy as that sounds I don't feed a plant. I feed the microbes. It's all about the microbes the microbes feed your plant. The microbes eat the organic waste that's in the soil they eat the Worm poop that's in the soil and they poop themselves in the plant eats the micro poop. That's a fact of plant life. I learned this about six years ago and never turn back. I'm primarily an outside grower I love to grow outside. I do very well outside. Huge plants in huge yields. And I only grow AAA flower. All the larf or little teeny weeny Buds and teeny weeny stems that are underneath of plant I trim that all off and throw it to the ground don't care about it. As I said I only grow AAA flower.
Some of my past year's grows.
I grow in two different places of my own. And I also help a farmer out that's not too far from me here where I live at. The pics of his farm will be the very last ones.View attachment 1417211View attachment 1417212View attachment 1417213View attachment 1417214View attachment 1417215View attachment 1417216View attachment 1417217View attachment 1417218View attachment 1417219View attachment 1417220View attachment 1417221View attachment 1417222View attachment 1417223View attachment 1417224View attachment 1417225
Man those outdoor plants look amazing!! I’m with ya on the organics. My last grow was 100% organic nutrients and I was surprised how much cleaner the smoke is compared to salt grows! This time I am feeding the soil/worms and letting that do the work.

I would love to grow outdoors, but don’t currently have a good area to do it… maybe I can convince some family members to let me grow in their yard. One day I will grow a photo outdoors that is taller than me :biggrin: I have some landrace cross seeds waiting…
Man those outdoor plants look amazing!! I’m with ya on the organics. My last grow was 100% organic nutrients and I was surprised how much cleaner the smoke is compared to salt grows! This time I am feeding the soil/worms and letting that do the work.

I would love to grow outdoors, but don’t currently have a good area to do it… maybe I can convince some family members to let me grow in their yard. One day I will grow a photo outdoors that is taller than me :biggrin: I have some landrace cross seeds waiting…
Thanks again:bighug::pass:
One thing to remember about growing weed inside or outside taller is not going to be better weed. Taller is not going to be a better yield.

I learnt long ago there's a reason why people use scrog Nets. That's a spread the plant out so we can get more Bud sites. There's a reason why people super crop it stresses the plant. It tells the plant to go in defensive mode. Going into defensive mode it creates more trikes because the trikes are its defense against something trying to eat it ... So the plant thinks.. De-leaving is a two-prong strategy. It tells the plant that it's being eaten and it needs to grow more Bud sites and more trikes as defense and re-procreation. Another thing when super cropping you can also keep the plant laid down more and creates more openness to the plant which the plant can produce better yields because more sunlight gets to the inner Bud nodes that it couldn't get to before
So I always pull my plants down spread them out and super cropping, topping, De-leaving, are all part of it. All one has to do is refer to fruit farmers and or flower Farmers growing roses for instance. You always prune you always manipulate to get that better fruit or better flower. It's part of domestic farming. All you got to do is follow those rules and do it anyway you want. And you guarantee you'll come up with a better crop yield wise the high all the above.

For example how many plants do you think are in this picture?

The Harvest off from this was almost 5 lb. How many plants do you think are here?