New Grower n.f.t question

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hi people.
this my first post on this site.
i live in the u.k and have been growing for about 4 years.
my grow space is 5ft by 3ft by 5ft.
i grow using an n.f.t system with 2 600w hps bulbs in cool tubes.
temps are 27c lights on and 18c lights off.
i use canna nutes and i always grow from clones.
i have been doing a lot of reading about autos lately and i have decided my next grow i will give the autos ago.
ive decided on growing 10 sweet seeds auto cream caramel.

the question i really need answered is are autos ok to grow in an n.f.t system?
all the posts i have reed on autos are all grow in pots with soil under 600w of less.

any info would be great guys.

Im not sure what nft is but it sounds like some kind of hydro system.Im also starting some caramels but in soil.I don't see why you can't grow autos with that system,Keep in mind most autos wii be smaller and have a smaller yield, but they only take around eight to ten weeks from seed sprout to harvest.Welcome to afn, and don't be afraid to ask questions . there is a lot of knowagable people that will gladly help you.
autos flourish in hydro systems. I've grown them in a hydrid aero/nft system and they did great. Check out my journal in my sig and you can see.
hi medicine man.
just took a look but there is only 2 pages of you auto grow.
how did you get on in the end?
what did you average from each plant?
im really looking forward to growing some autos.
still got a couple of months left on my grow at the moment, then im changing a few things in my room.
then i will start the autos.

heres what im growing at the moment.
10 rhino under 1200w hps in an n.f.t system
12 days into flower.

cheers. P1020659.JPGP1020657.JPGP1020658.JPGP1020660.JPG
There's 25 pages of auto growing in that thread. I was averaging 1/2-1oz per plant as it was my first time growing in the beginning. With stunted plants that's my average. Im doing more autos in DWC now just 'cause I have the space and want to give it a try.
im hoping for a lot more than that.
how much light was you using if you dont mind me asking?
Remember I said they were stunted, so obviously not the best results, but still nice for stunted plants. I had 600w overhead. I've been growing for less than a year.
thanks for the replys mate.
will start up a grow journal when i start them so you can keep an eye on them for

nice setup dmn, look forward to seeing a auto grow journal done by you using that NFT, i can't wait to switch to hydro. i would like to make a request, in your grow journal can you list all your nutes use you will using?

no problem lykaboss.
in fact i can tell you now as i will be using the same nutes i always use.

this is how i use my nuts at the moment. obviously it will change a little when i start growing autos.

all my nutes are canna.

18 hours light a day.
week 1 from clone# rhizotonic 20ml every 10Litres, canna start 20ml to 10L.P1020662.jpg
week 2# rhizotonic 20ml to 10L, aqua vega a&b 10ml each.P1020663.jpg
week 3# aqua vega a&b 20ml each, cannazym 12ml.P1020664.jpg

turn to 12/12.
week 4# aqua flores a&b 15ml each, cannazym 25ml.P1020667.jpg
week 5# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml.
week 6# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml, canna boost accelerator 10ml.
week 7# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml, canna boost accelerator 20ml.
week 8# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml, canna boost accelerator 20ml, pk 13/14 15ml.P1020665.jpg
week 9# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml, canna boost accelerator 20ml.
week 10# aqua flores a&b 30ml, cannazym 25ml, canna boost accelerator 20ml.
then for the next 5 days i give them canna flush 20ml.P1020666.jpg
then 7 to 10 days of just water.
after that its snip snip snip.

hope that helps you out mate.
