New Grower My white widow max auto

Feb 12, 2017
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Hey just started growing my first plant auto white widow max have in some roots organic soil germinated in vermiculite. Just wondering how you guys think it looks and any tips for me to help my girl grow nice n healthy I'm using a 300w led light

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Looks good. How far away is the light?
What are the temps like in the tent?

Welcome to afn!
The light is about 2 feet away right now. And I set up a grow spot in my closet I Dont have a thermometer but I have been using a fan towards the bottom to bring in fresh air and a little fan at the top to take out the heat. 4 days old today

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Sounds like you are off to a good start. A thermometer is important to have so you can monitor the temperature in the tent. It doesn't have to be expensive.
OK what should the temp be around. And I think I saw a gnat today. I'm gonna dry the top out some throw some earth on and try mosquito bits.I was thinking of bottom feed it from now on or at least for 2nd week and 3rd

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The mosquitoe bits work well, and yellow sticky fly tape. Temps from 65 to 85 is a broad range. Best is 70 to 80.

Watch out for the gnats!
Does the mosquito bits kills the adults too or just larva?

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You know, i have no idea. I think larvae. Yellow sticky fly tape will kill them plus let you know how many you have.

@Ripper do the dunks kill adults?