Well its been a while since I put my nose into Autoflower as I've moved house and its taken a while to get the net sorted etc ..
Its taken a little while longer than that since I started this super stinky grow. 5 months seems a very long time when you're waiting for a plant to grow, flower and finish .. but it seems like its going to be worth the wait (and I have cropped some MI5s cream caramels and a breed I've been working on in the meantime!)
Anyway back in April they were a month old and looked like this:
yep its some cannabis seedlings! At this stage I wasnt feeding them, simply watering with a pH of 5.8. Growing medium throughout was coco-perlite with hand water to waste
Just after these photos were taken, I transferred them to 10L pots, and once they were established a few days later, nipped out the tips. By now they started on half-strength recommended veg feed every water (gen hydro 3 part). After a month (8 weeks old) they were moved on again to 27L pots. Once again I let them adjust to the new pots before "knuckling them" to help keep the height down - I've seen pics of how big these can get! I reckon these would reach a 1.5m - 2m height without pruning: not bad for an auto, but not too good for indoors unless you've got a really high ceiling lol.
And then they grew .. and grew .. and grew ..
Like I said, i put in some other autos and they grew, flowered, harvested and have been smoked since then ..
and sometime during this the stinkys started to flower. They survived the moving house fine (and the story of how I and a mate transported 75 assorted autos in the back of a transit will keep me in beers for a few years) and now, a month afterwards, they are in their final stage, just beginning to chrystal up nicely.
However, around week 13-14, my favourite plant of over 1.5m square with 2 LEDs over her, suddenly decided she didnt want to flower any more and started re-vegging. Why this is I dont know as she was treated exactly the same as the others and they are doing fine. After a couple of weeks I decided to cut my losses and painful though it was, put her in the garden. I couldnt afford to waste the space or light on her if she was going to go wierd. Hopefully she'll start to flower again like a photo-period plant as the season progresses. If not, c'est la vie.
I have had this before with some autos but its heartbreaking after 13 weeks of LED lighting.
In the last 10 weeks they are getting weekly doses of Cannazym and Rhizotonic as lets face it 27L pots are still quite small for plants of this size. The Cannazym turns any dead roots into viable sugars and the rhizotonic encourages new root growth. These are helping to keep the plants roots healthy (you can see the white vibrant roots coming out the bottom of the pots before they get air-pruned.)
I've used General Hydro 3 part food and am very happy with it
So here we are up to the present with I think 3 weeks to go. Day 132
a close up of crystals just beginning to form:
Its taken a little while longer than that since I started this super stinky grow. 5 months seems a very long time when you're waiting for a plant to grow, flower and finish .. but it seems like its going to be worth the wait (and I have cropped some MI5s cream caramels and a breed I've been working on in the meantime!)
Anyway back in April they were a month old and looked like this:
yep its some cannabis seedlings! At this stage I wasnt feeding them, simply watering with a pH of 5.8. Growing medium throughout was coco-perlite with hand water to waste
Just after these photos were taken, I transferred them to 10L pots, and once they were established a few days later, nipped out the tips. By now they started on half-strength recommended veg feed every water (gen hydro 3 part). After a month (8 weeks old) they were moved on again to 27L pots. Once again I let them adjust to the new pots before "knuckling them" to help keep the height down - I've seen pics of how big these can get! I reckon these would reach a 1.5m - 2m height without pruning: not bad for an auto, but not too good for indoors unless you've got a really high ceiling lol.
And then they grew .. and grew .. and grew ..
Like I said, i put in some other autos and they grew, flowered, harvested and have been smoked since then ..
and sometime during this the stinkys started to flower. They survived the moving house fine (and the story of how I and a mate transported 75 assorted autos in the back of a transit will keep me in beers for a few years) and now, a month afterwards, they are in their final stage, just beginning to chrystal up nicely.
However, around week 13-14, my favourite plant of over 1.5m square with 2 LEDs over her, suddenly decided she didnt want to flower any more and started re-vegging. Why this is I dont know as she was treated exactly the same as the others and they are doing fine. After a couple of weeks I decided to cut my losses and painful though it was, put her in the garden. I couldnt afford to waste the space or light on her if she was going to go wierd. Hopefully she'll start to flower again like a photo-period plant as the season progresses. If not, c'est la vie.
I have had this before with some autos but its heartbreaking after 13 weeks of LED lighting.
In the last 10 weeks they are getting weekly doses of Cannazym and Rhizotonic as lets face it 27L pots are still quite small for plants of this size. The Cannazym turns any dead roots into viable sugars and the rhizotonic encourages new root growth. These are helping to keep the plants roots healthy (you can see the white vibrant roots coming out the bottom of the pots before they get air-pruned.)
I've used General Hydro 3 part food and am very happy with it
So here we are up to the present with I think 3 weeks to go. Day 132
a close up of crystals just beginning to form:
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