I got all my grow stuff i need about three weeks ago. First time i put my seeds in 5 gal buckets nothing came up. Now, 5 days ago i planted some seeds in 8 inch pots. I placed them about a 1/4 down and sprinkled some soil on top of them and lightly pressed down. Today, a few hours before the 5 day mark i moved some soil to check out whats going on and all three seeds in there pots haven't showed any change at all, i but them back in for now. I just really want to get some plants growing, I hate buying weed at bad prices, and i can't really afford to buy any good stuff anymore. Will these seeds come up or should i start again with different seeds. Im using roots organic soil. The soil seems to be krisp on top, is that fine.My tent 2'7x4'11x6'7 has a low humidity i put a plastic bag over for 24 hours, someone recommended me to, Im using a t5 setup . I watered all the pots before i planted the seeds. Can anyone tell me how i should do this and what to be carful of, I'm a 1st timer, i just want to get this going quick.