Photography my girls this morning


Dragon Addiction Councellor
Aug 28, 2011
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100_3325.jpg100_3323.jpg100_3322.jpg100_3321.jpg100_3320.jpg100_3319.jpg100_3318.jpgovercast here---i eased to my girls at 8 am.watered and snapped a few pics here they are---what ya think!!!
sorry--a friend of a friend left them with us to try.all i know is they are autos around 6 weeks or so old---figured they will be ready around 10th or so of next month on the larger one---the guy i shared with has lost his --tried out in open and heli found spot 6 plants gone we had 10 seed to start.i took a male and lightly polinated a few buds on 1 female--seems to be around 20 or so seed pods visible---so i got us coverd for next time still have 2 unpolinated females and 1 polinate female---and 1 male tucked away in a brown paper bag for future testing
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thanks guys am looking foward to that first 1 i roll up.havent smoked my own stuff in 15 yrs.
thanks guys am looking foward to that first 1 i roll up.havent smoked my own stuff in 15 yrs.

I started growing this year and found that it's so much more satisfying to smoke your own homegrown bud. So glad I made the decision to start growing. They look great dude. Keep us updated! :smokeit:
100_3337.jpg100_3335.jpg taken this morning the 22nd - all pics here are from same plant--anyone know how long for these---- i planted seed around the f100_3358.jpgirst week in august--these are autos---was told 8 week to cut but i think 9 or 10week ---was given seed so all i know is small plant short life auto100_3362.jpg
you got a few weeks brotha, you should wait imo til at least the bud leaves turn yellow. thats after the fan leaves fall off. you've got at least 3-4 weeks.
thanks man---not in a big hurry--want it to be the best that it could be---considering it s outside-----