My girls are dying :(

Feb 19, 2018
Reaction score
Problem: Yellowing leaves, purpling stems and purple spots on the leaves

Medium/grow method: Soil

Feed: and supplements used: Gh flora series half dose of what is written

water source: Ph'ed tap water

Strain/age: 1 month in flowering

light used: 300watt cob

Climate:25-29 degrees of celcius under %50 humidity

Additional info:
Hello everybody, this is my first grow and before i planted my seeds, i read lots of stuff about growing cannabis and i was thinking i was going to grow some beautiful plants with all those information i have learned. But in practice everything has gone wrong with 2 of my girls out of 3.
I am watering them once in 3 days with half a litre of water and i feed them every other watering with GH flora series(half dose of what is recomended. Always used ph'ed(6.6) water. They have another sister which is healthy and showing no signs of def.

One of the girls had yellow leaves starting of the bottom and went upwards. At first i thought it is normal since it's in the flowering stage and getting the N from the leaves. I was not into giving more nutes due to the possibilty to burn the plant. But eventually she lost most of its leaves and still has yellowing leaves issue. With last feeding(yesterday) i added half strength cal-mag(4-0-0) for the first time and raised the N a little bit(I normally add 0.5ml/L, i raised it to 0.70). But today they have purple spots on some of the leaves(Which i think is phosphorus def) and twisted leaves near to the top. I'm really worrying if they are dying. Should i flush them or increase the amount of nutes ? Thanks in advance guys..
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Remove all dead or yellow leaves than flush with ph water.Wait a day than feed with full dose of bloom nutes and cal/mag at 1tsp per gal.Lower your ph to 6.3 and make sure you water until you get run off.It will take awhile for nutes to work so just be patient.
Hope they make it !! I’m new to this as well this my first grow idk how to make my own post so I’ll post on here ..My girls are 15 days old 2 of them have a small white mark/dot on a part of the leaf hoping someone can tell me what it is and how to fix it .

I only fed it filtered water ph at 6.8 and the spots showed up please help
And btw the hole n the leaf was from me trying to rub the mark off lol


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Hope they make it !! I’m new to this as well this my first grow idk how to make my own post so I’ll post on here ..My girls are 15 days old 2 of them have a small white mark/dot on a part of the leaf hoping someone can tell me what it is and how to fix it .

I only fed it filtered water ph at 6.8 and the spots showed up please help
And btw the hole n the leaf was from me trying to rub the mark off lol

That is either a watermark from a spill, or a genetic thing. Some plants have those light patches.
Problem: Yellowing leaves, purpling stems and purple spots on the leaves

Medium/grow method: Soil

Feed: and supplements used: Gh flora series half dose of what is written

water source: Ph'ed tap water

Strain/age: 1 month in flowering

light used: 300watt cob

Climate:25-29 degrees of celcius under %50 humidity

Additional info:
Hello everybody, this is my first grow and before i planted my seeds, i read lots of stuff about growing cannabis and i was thinking i was going to grow some beautiful plants with all those information i have learned. But in practice everything has gone wrong with 2 of my girls out of 3.
I am watering them once in 3 days with half a litre of water and i feed them every other watering with GH flora series(half dose of what is recomended. Always used ph'ed(6.6) water. They have another sister which is healthy and showing no signs of def.

One of the girls had yellow leaves starting of the bottom and went upwards. At first i thought it is normal since it's in the flowering stage and getting the N from the leaves. I was not into giving more nutes due to the possibilty to burn the plant. But eventually she lost most of its leaves and still has yellowing leaves issue. With last feeding(yesterday) i added half strength cal-mag(4-0-0) for the first time and raised the N a little bit(I normally add 0.5ml/L, i raised it to 0.70). But today they have purple spots on some of the leaves(Which i think is phosphorus def) and twisted leaves near to the top. I'm really worrying if they are dying. Should i flush them or increase the amount of nutes ? Thanks in advance guys..
I agree they look thirsty, I water until water runs out the bottom and pot can't hold anymore, once a week. Usually 25% water to volume of pot. 1 gallon pot for me holds max 1/4 gallon of water then it runs out the bottom. Then midweek about half that when in flower. Of course this will depend on heat and humidity. They seem to enjoy being soaked then almost drying out.

Sent from my comfy chair. Link to my grows.
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Ok thanks I did drip some water on it while watering so that must be it .
Also I have a 300 watt mars led over 4 plants like 30 inches away from light should I move them closer ? And do you think I should get another 300 watt and a few cfls to add extra light I’m hoping to get 2 ounces off each plant if possible