Outdoor My first Harvest!

May 31, 2015
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so, i'm a first time grower and have been so encouraged by the knowledge that is amassed here and by the people who are so kind to share it that i wanted to show my first 'biddy bit' that i've grown..... everything i've learned is from the good peeps on this forum so a huge thank you to everybody who has taken the time to put their stuff up and who have taken the time to personally answer my often naieve enquiries.... THANK YOU!

I lopped a bit of one my girls (lowryders - come on, i'm a first timer - i had no idea about the vast and incredible strains that are available until i came on here!) They've been going for 10 weeks outdoor and I'm going away at the end of next week so I didn't want to leave them untended. am going to get my chopping game on tomorrow!

i've got three LR plants that i've grown from seed and so whilst I'll be unlikely to get anywhere a decent yield, it's been such an incredible experience. sounds daft but i've been smoking on and off for the last 30 years and buying(more often than not) low grade gear, that there's an amazing sense of satisfaction in being able to actually grow something decent yourself. I'm very proud and couldn't have done it without this forum. again, THANK YOU!



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nooo there's a hair ewww LMFAO!! kidding! i got buds ALL KINDS of covered in cat hair and they still stone the bejezuz outta ya too LOL! congrats mang!!! happy budlings gone stone ya nicely!! heres to your next run!! any idea whatcha gonna put to the soil?
nooo there's a hair ewww LMFAO!! kidding! i got buds ALL KINDS of covered in cat hair and they still stone the bejezuz outta ya too LOL! congrats mang!!! happy budlings gone stone ya nicely!! heres to your next run!! any idea whatcha gonna put to the soil?
Ha! Cheers Man.... I was reading about C99 and that sounds great though i fear i haven't probably got the chops to grow something like that yet! Any suggestions more than welcome!
all depends on whatcha bees looking for man. versatility really plays a role into which ones you'll really want to give a whirl.amber..no amber..deep white..speckled..LOL! lots o options.
Good Job! And as your skills grow, so will your crops!