New Grower My first grow

Mar 24, 2017
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This is my first grow and seeking any wise words or advice from experienced grower,running 600 watt dual spectrum HPS,6 inch inline carbon filter 2 natural intakes,rudimentry co2 set up ,soil and perlite,1× 12 inch oscillating fan,its a partitioned cupboard accessible thru a hatch....have 2 superskunk [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] autos on the go and another 2 just popped,21 days old and just started to train them

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I would but im such a technophob i dont know how too lol

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I'am the same,maybe just start again in the new growers academy or tag a staff member here and they can help move it,just put @ in front of a member's name to tag them.
Moving it is a good idea. You probably don't know who the staff is though. Tbh, I wouldn't know who to tag. No worries, someone will help you out with that soon enough.
hey @guerillagrower#65
I see you would like to move this thread to new growers @Duggy should be able to help.
You can see I tagged him here , so hopefully he should be able to lend a hand with this!
Great start btw with your first grow.
Nice to see you employing some lst (Low Stress Training) straight off the bat.
@budelee has a great thread on all aspects of training cannabis and he is a top bloke too and happy to help when ever he can!
Here's a link for you -
There are always plenty of people to lend a hand here at AFN, chatting in Live Stoners is great way to get to know members and then invite them to come have a gander at your journal, this is a great way to get more traffic through your grow journal.
I would encourage you to read as many journals as you can as everyone grows differently and in time you will find a style that suits you, after that the world is your oyster and you can go on to try different techniques.
When starting out KISS is the way to go ie. "Keep It Simple Stupid" taking an interest in other peoples grows and asking them questions is the way to go, most people love to answer questions about their grow, it's also a great way to make friends, who will then come look at your grow and offer advice if it's needed.
Peace bro and I look forwards to further installments of your grow journal!
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