New Grower My first grow (Small scale)

Jun 3, 2015
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Hi Guys,

First off all ill lay out the basis for this grow. Like many people i am sick of overpaying for poor quality weed so its time to stop talking and just do a grow like I've wanted to for quite some time.
That along with the fact i will know 100% the life the plants will have had and how well (hopefully) they will have been looked after.
Im a hands on guy so this was the perfect start for me, something i can create myself that is cheap functional and to a lesser extent is low key, Stealth isn't a huge concern but its nice to know that its not gonna raise to many red flags.

Right so i started with a thermaltake mid tower and absolutely gutted it. I dont have pics of the assembly of the box but if anyone needs ideas or help don't hesitate to ask.

When i had the box down to skeleton structure i riveted in sheet metal to block off the psu cutout and other open areas that would not be used. After that i sealed it up with silicon to make sure that no air would escape apart from where i wanted it. Lined with reflective car windscreen sun/ice protective cover material

For cooling i wired up a 12v charger to a fan controller running my 2 120mm PC fans. For extraction i used a metal ducting coupler which fit perfectly in the CD drive bays and installed my MacGyver active carbon filter.

For lighting im using 5 CFLS ,2x12w 6500k 1x 26w 6500k 2x23w 2700k and running them 18/6 for the duration of the Grow.

Now the good stuff.
I am growing 1 royal bluematic from royal queen seeds and 1 sweet tooth auto from barneys seed farm.
Growing in biobizz light mix soil.
Nutrients i will be using are biobizz root juice (havent needed to water since potting)
and i will also be using the Short flowering Powder Feeding from GHS.
I havent found much info about it but what i have found is generally positive.

So now we get to some pics
The Royal bluematic (Left in pics) was potted last friday and sprouted saturday. The Sweet tooth auto was potted sunday and sprouted monday. For a couple of days im happy so far.

Any feedback at this early stage would be great, Few things i am unsure about is the PH level and if i want to use ph powder. And also if anyone has used the GHS powderfeeding and has any feedback.

Cheers and sorry for rabbiting on but i figure that details are important

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Ohh and to add, I will be trying to keep the ladies short and fill the area horizontally with buds using lst but if size becomes an issue i have a small tent on the way and a 300w Led ready to go, but i would really prefer to finish one if not both of them in this box.

Temp and humidity has been fine with fans running at medium speed with lights on and all closed up its sitting at solid 25C-26C
and goes to 21 with lights off with about 55-60% humidity. I have an exterior fan that i can use to feed the case fans if it starts getting too hot.
Looking good Tim

This will be very interesting to follow, I have an old server tower and I have been thinking of trying a micro grow for fun.

In a space this small there will be challenges but that makes it even more fun.

I also use Powder Feeding (short) and have good results and very easy to use, I also use additional cal/mag and PK boost to fatten the buds.

Nice to here you got a tent and LED coming too bro :)

Mate you rabbit on as much as you like, it is great to read a detailed journal.

Looking forward to your updates and pics

happy growing

So a small update, i gave the plants a small amount of water, about 200ml each with a small dose rootjuice this past weekend (First since potting).
rotated the pots and switched positions over the past week just to make sure its getting even light coverage.
So far its looking good, soil is drying up a bit but still seems like there is moisture there, dont wanna make the mistake of overwatering and all things look good but im open to correction.
Bluematic is at about day 9 and sweet tooth auto on the left is at day 7,
1 leaf on the sweet tooth looks a little funny, its slightly warped but im sure its nothing

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Any feedback welcomed
Looking good Tim :)
You wouldn't be a bit of a gamer would you :P
This is gonna be nice to follow and is giving me ideas to sort out my server tower.
My tower is 25"(64cm) tall so I think I got a bit more height to play with but PC micro grows look so cool.
Subbed for this, keep them posts and pics coming Tim :)
all the best m8
Thanks man, the 360 games are redundant now i bought an xbox one so may as well put them to use.
Long time pc gamer hence this project.
A server tower would have been much better but alot pricier to buy so if you have one there then go for it. This tower new was under 30euro so i cant complain and if/when i switch over to the mini tent it will still serve as a great seedling box and handy to have if i ever move to a place where space and privacy is an issue.
Thanks guys,

Pics today day 8(ST) and day 10, first two are of the sweet tooth and the leaf that im concerned about but im sure its nothing.
Overall both plants looking healthy. gave them some water without root juice today ph 6.5 untreated.
Nice to be able to see new growth daily, its a bit of a rush to get home and check on the girls.
Massive difference between both plants even at this early stage, the sweet tooths leaves are alot shorter and broader.

Have my small tent and led setup ready to go now but wanna see how it goes with this first.