Mushrooms in the growing medium.


Autopot& Autocob Enthusiast
Nov 22, 2015
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Currently Smoking
Sweet Seeds Dark Devil, Barney’s Farm LSD. Yummy!
I doubt if there is anything wrong with this but thought I would post it here for informational purposes since I’ve never seen it inside before. My current grow is a SCROG and I’m using a homade soil using top soil, compost, and perlite in equal parts and using it in a 15 liter autopot. There is probably some mushroom compost in the mix and my nutrients are GreenLeaf Nutrients Mega Crop. The soil mix and nutrients are all new to my grow, I used to use coco/perlite mix and AN nutes. The plant looks good to me even with all the stress she is under being stretched out under the screen. I’m thinking this is just a sign of how alive my soil is and has a good layer of mycelium running through it.

I doubt if there is anything wrong with this but thought I would post it here for informational purposes since I’ve never seen it inside before. My current grow is a SCROG and I’m using a homade soil using top soil, compost, and perlite in equal parts and using it in a 15 liter autopot. There is probably some mushroom compost in the mix and my nutrients are GreenLeaf Nutrients Mega Crop. The soil mix and nutrients are all new to my grow, I used to use coco/perlite mix and AN nutes. The plant looks good to me even with all the stress she is under being stretched out under the screen. I’m thinking this is just a sign of how alive my soil is and has a good layer of mycelium running through it.

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Nice looking plant,must have been some mushroom spores in your compost.
If they were a lot smaller with a black dot on the top, it would be a win win.
I doubt if there is anything wrong with this but thought I would post it here for informational purposes since I’ve never seen it inside before. My current grow is a SCROG and I’m using a homade soil using top soil, compost, and perlite in equal parts and using it in a 15 liter autopot. There is probably some mushroom compost in the mix and my nutrients are GreenLeaf Nutrients Mega Crop. The soil mix and nutrients are all new to my grow, I used to use coco/perlite mix and AN nutes. The plant looks good to me even with all the stress she is under being stretched out under the screen. I’m thinking this is just a sign of how alive my soil is and has a good layer of mycelium running through it.

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Nice looking plant,must have been some mushroom spores in your compost.
That’s what I’m thinking. Strange thing is this is the same soil mix I’m using in the greenhouse and no mushrooms out there. Must be too hot for the shrooms out there.

I’ve had shrooms in soil a few times. I just pulled them out, no harm done. These days in coco they just grow on the cellar floor outside the tent. [emoji849]
thanks for the reassurance. I think I will just let them grow and see what happens.

Here's an ID on your little buddies. Don't worry, they're harmless to the plant.
:thanks: for the ID on them. That be them for sure.

If they were a lot smaller with a black dot on the top, it would be a win win.

Sent from my comfy chair.
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Yea I’ve seen plenty of magic mushrooms in my time and these are not them. :rofl: Where I live we look for the purple ring around the stem. But in a way they still be magic as an indication of healthy soil. :pass: