Mother F**King Spidermites

Feb 26, 2015
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Please for the love of God help me get rid of these spawns of the Devil. I have had them since my last harvest around 4 months now. I have been squishing everyday. I wash out my grow box every other week. And I have been spraying the hell out of my ladies every two weeks with AzaMax at full dose. I have spread Demetrius earth all around. I have seen no real reduction of them at all. I sprayed I mean really really sprayed my girl 5 days ago and still nothing. I came home today and killed 30- 50 of them. I have never once saw any spiderwebs just all of the leaf damage. Please give me another course to take PLEEEEEEEEEASE!!!!
Nasty little bastards, Fantasy.
They may be Azamax resistant, Brother, especially with a two week spray cycle.
Try rotating a Pyrethrin/ Spinosad/Azamax treatment. Be sure to use a good surfactant, and really hose the undersides of the leaves, and if your plants will handle it spray every 3-5 days.
Nasty little bastards, Fantasy.
They may be Azamax resistant, Brother, especially with a two week spray cycle.
Try rotating a Pyrethrin/ Spinosad/Azamax treatment. Be sure to use a good surfactant, and really hose the undersides of the leaves, and if your plants will handle it spray every 3-5 days.

Those are all safe for flowering?

To make sure I understand every 3-5 days use one then wait 3-5 days then the other and so on?

I have wet Betty for a surfactant
Those are all safe for flowering?
All are natural, but try to avoid bud sites if you can. I've actually used those disposable foam paint brushes to apply during flowering. It's a huge pain in the rectum, but we do what we do..... if you've been taking the time to hand pick and crush them, a brush should seem like easy money to you. :thumbsup:
To make sure I understand every 3-5 days use one then wait 3-5 days then the other and so on?
Yep. Crush those bugs. If you see signs of leaf burn, back off a bit, but if you stay within label rates you should be fine.
As for the lack of webbing, most spider mites do, but some don't spin.
All are natural, but try to avoid bud sites if you can. I've actually used those disposable foam paint brushes to apply during flowering. It's a huge pain in the rectum, but we do what we do..... if you've been taking the time to hand pick and crush them, a brush should seem like easy money to you. :thumbsup:

Yep. Crush those bugs. If you see signs of leaf burn, back off a bit, but if you stay within label rates you should be fine.
As for the lack of webbing, most spider mites do, but some don't spin.

Thank you very much. I am ordering now
Most of the bugs are easy to control, Brother, but the ones with fast reproductive cycles need to be hit hard and fast. After this harvest, I'd nuke that box with some heavy, non "organic" stuff, and clean it top to bottom.
Also worth looking in to is how you got mites in the first place. Soil? Tracking from a garden?
Killing Karma to you, Brother. :karmacloud:
Oh I know how I got them. My sister in law she came to visit and she brought her bag seed plant that has been growing for almost a year. It was 1 foot tall and was white and crispy she thought I might be able to do something with it. well I was at work when she arrived and my wife thought it would be a good idea to put it in my grow box. I of course freaked out and threw it away at the time I thought it had a disease....

Thankis for all your help dude:bighug::pass:
No worries, Brother, at least you know the vector.
Buy the Missus a bottle of wine, and some good cheese and bread.
Let her know, in a romantic way, nothing goes in the box prior to quarantine. :cheersmate:
I did it to myself this year with thrips, bringing outdoor plant in. Lesson learned, always use protection. :condom:
Haven't tried it myself, but sounded like a decent addition to the hand crushing that I read about once: Use a hand vacuum to gently vacuum them off all the leaves one at a time. Then if wanted put the vac bag in a plastic bag and toss in the freezer for a couple days before throwing it out to really, really kill 'em.
Red gave you some awesome advice Fantasy and it is exactly how I would proceed. I can tell you from first hand experience though, there is no way to get rid of pests while growing. It is impossible. All you can hope to do is control them to get you through harvest.

After harvest, the most important thing to do is not wipe your forehead and be happy that is over because it isn't. Until you put another plant in there you are going to have to clean from top to bottom, inside and out, all the tools, buckets, spray bottles, everything that you came in contact with. Otherwise, you will deal with those pests from here on out.

My suggestion, once your grow is through, get some clorox, make a 10% solution with water and spray everything including all of your tools, containers, everything that was ever in, around or touched you or your plants. Let it set to dry then wipe everything down. After that use a rubbing alcohol at 100%, don't mix with anything. Spray everything with that and wipe it all down good.

Even when you start growing again, for the first few months give your plants a preemptive, rotational spray of azamax, neem and safer soap just to make sure that nothing that could possibly be left in a crack or crevice gets a chance to take hold again.

I had spider mites and aphids at the same time a few years ago from bringing outdoor plants in and the instructions I gave you are the same I followed. I haven't seen a pest in my room since.