
I use it the last week of the plants life and you have to be careful with the ph swing it will cause, mine shot down fast in a few days. I grow with autopots. I'm not sure how it works pouring water from the top, i'm sure no ph issues as its not sitting in water fermenting like it does in my res.
Good luck!
So tell me your experience with molasses? Can I use it every time I water during the grow? Or every time I water during flowering? Not when using nutes.

I use it weekly in the brewing of my compost teas (remos Nature's candy). It already comes mixed in with the powdered microbes I like to use as well.
With carbohydrates your mainly feeding the microbiology in the medium and not the plant.

Once a week is enough through veg and flower. If your not employing microbes in your system then it may be a complete waste.
I use un-sulphured Black Strap throughout my grow weeks 3-10. 5ml per 1.5litres of water in between nutrient feeds, always top fed into soil. My girls love it and it makes for frosty buds. :jointman:
I use it weekly in the brewing of my compost teas (remos Nature's candy). It already comes mixed in with the powdered microbes I like to use as well.
With carbohydrates your mainly feeding the microbiology in the medium and not the plant.

Once a week is enough through veg and flower. If your not employing microbes in your system then it may be a complete waste.
Same here. I use the carbs to feed the bacterial cultures in the tea.