Indoor Molasses has made my buds smell funny?

May 7, 2013
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Hello. I added some molasses to me feed yesterday but put a tablespoon in 6 liters instead of a teaspoon. My buds smell weird now. I'm not going to use it for another week. Will that funny smell go?
Just in case.....what brand of molasses was this
I've just gone and smelt them now and they seem like they're back to normal.. Must of been my nose or something lol just smelt earthy it was hard to explain but I can smell the bubblgum again now.. Weird lol

Could have been the soil after watering? If anything molasses made my buds smell better lol, it's all relative though. I use Grandma's molasses. Glad your plants are back stinking nice again anyhow!
Could have been the soil after watering? If anything molasses made my buds smell better lol, it's all relative though. I use Grandma's molasses. Glad your plants are back stinking nice again anyhow!

Maybe mate I wasn't impressed at the time but it's back to normal now so happy days! Im using some blackstrap molasses brand non sulfur
daddy mole mummy mole and baby mole were digging tunnels.they popped up just outside a bakery.daddy mole says mmmm I smell honey,mummy mole says mmm I smell mole says ewww I smell molasses.
Think-- that's not related at all to the molasses, and the dosage is fine, weak in anything,...recall, I suggested 1tsp/qt for helping with defc. treatment, 1T/gal for regular use a couple times a week,... more at Live Help! :biggrin: