New Grower miserable Double Grape seeks health advice

Froot n Fuel

Party On AFN
Jul 12, 2018
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Currently Smoking
Ripley's OG
:toke: hi AFN :toke:

new grower here, growing three girls, in their third week now. been having some issues with just one of the three, hoping some AFN wisdom can help cheer this one up.

link to grow journal;

yellowing of leaf extremities, starting at the tip and spreading to surrounding serrated edges. small rust spots develop on the leaves, simultaneously on the opposite true leaves. more rust spots appear slowly and the general condition of the leaf deteriorates, becoming wrinkly. rust spots lose their shine and become a dry light brown colour. the first leaves that exhibited this behaviour halted growth after 2-3 days and have remained the same size.

Medium/grow method: soil, Plagron Lightmix, straight from the bag.

Feed: and supplements used: Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A&B PH Perfect, Density CalMag Pro, Voodoo Juice - very light feeds since day 12 of >1ml per litre
Following one of TaNg's schedules, minimal watering, increasing quantity each time. Due feed today, proposed 250ml @ 1ml per litre of the above mix.

water source:
Tap water, left out for approx' 48 hours.

Strain/age: Mephisto Double Grape - 19 days. problem first noted around day 7, as all new growth looked good no action taken.

light used: DIY Cobs 55w Citizen 3500K CLU048 - 1 of 4 in use, 50cm above.

Climate: Light schedule 20/4 from day 7 - 24 hour lighting for first week.
Lights on - 24-26 degrees, 40-50 RH
Lights off - 21-22 degrees, 40 RH
first week-10 days, the temps were a couple of degrees lower, RH was 70% average.

Additional info:

Earliest pic I have - strange texture/waxiness to the first leaves at 8 days but not enough to cause concern:


Day 13 progressed to this pic, new growth showing no sign at this stage besides bright tips. This was before any nutes. Opposite leaf was just as prominent, picture doesn't show how fugly it really was.


Recent pics - day 18. first a pic of the first true leaves so you can see the end result - ugly and stunted. side branches are incredibly slow developing from above these stems. See the single cotyledon leaf that is burned all around the edge? this happened suddenly at day 15/16. no burn of the other cotyledon leaf. been very vigilant with water/nutrient splashing.


A few pics of the newly effected leaves - started with the yellowing tips and has developed similarly to the first set. overall looking less healthy in the past 48 hours, droopier. younger roommates easily overtaking it. combo of cob lighting and sunlight - best i can get atm. effects are more exaggerated in real life.



for comparison - a Sour Livers and CDLC occupying the same space;

sl17.jpg cdlc16.jpg
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:toke: hi AFN :toke:

new grower here, growing three girls, in their third week now. been having some issues with just one of the three, hoping some AFN wisdom can help cheer this one up.

link to grow journal;

yellowing of leaf extremities, starting at the tip and spreading to surrounding serrated edges. small rust spots develop on the leaves, simultaneously on the opposite true leaves. more rust spots appear slowly and the general condition of the leaf deteriorates, becoming wrinkly. rust spots lose their shine and become a dry light brown colour. the first leaves that exhibited this behaviour halted growth after 2-3 days and have remained the same size.

Medium/grow method: soil, Plagron Lightmix, straight from the bag.

Feed: and supplements used: Advanced Nutrients Sensi Bloom A&B PH Perfect, Density CalMag Pro, Voodoo Juice - very light feeds since day 12 of >1ml per litre
Following one of TaNg's schedules, minimal watering, increasing quantity each time. Due feed today, proposed 250ml @ 1ml per litre of the above mix.

water source:
Tap water, left out for approx' 48 hours.

Strain/age: Mephisto Double Grape - 19 days. problem first noted around day 7, as all new growth looked good no action taken.

light used: DIY Cobs 55w Citizen 3500K CLU048 - 1 of 4 in use, 50cm above.

Climate: Light schedule 20/4 from day 7 - 24 hour lighting for first week.
Lights on - 24-26 degrees, 40-50 RH
Lights off - 21-22 degrees, 40 RH
first week-10 days, the temps were a couple of degrees lower, RH was 70% average.

Additional info:

Earliest pic I have - strange texture/waxiness to the first leaves at 8 days but not enough to cause concern:

View attachment 956680

Day 13 progressed to this pic, new growth showing no sign at this stage besides bright tips. This was before any nutes. Opposite leaf was just as prominent, picture doesn't show how fugly it really was.

View attachment 956681

Recent pics - day 18. first a pic of the first true leaves so you can see the end result - ugly and stunted. side branches are incredibly slow developing from above these stems. See the single cotyledon leaf that is burned all around the edge? this happened suddenly at day 15/16. no burn of the other cotyledon leaf. been very vigilant with water/nutrient splashing.

View attachment 956682

A few pics of the newly effected leaves - started with the yellowing tips and has developed similarly to the first set. overall looking less healthy in the past 48 hours, droopier. younger roommates easily overtaking it. combo of cob lighting and sunlight - best i can get atm. effects are more exaggerated in real life.

View attachment 956683 View attachment 956684 View attachment 956685 View attachment 956686

View attachment 956688

for comparison - a Sour Livers and CDLC occupying the same space;

View attachment 956689 View attachment 956690
Different strains want different feed but looks like they should be fine though.what soil are you using?The new growth bright green is fine happens with rapid growth.

Sent from my 6045O using Tapatalk
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Different strains want different feed but looks like they should be fine though.what soil are you using?The new growth bright green is fine happens with rapid growth.

Sent from my 6045O using Tapatalk


thanks for the reply. using Plagron Lightmix straight from the bag.

Noticed yesterday very similar rusty spots appearing on a second plant:



Second cob has been switched on 48 hours or so, maybe 24 hours later i noted thee spots starting to appear. Lights have been moved up, they are approx' 23 inches from the plants. I'm thinking related?
Looks pretty awesome really. You're doing great. :cheers:

The lighter green areas on the leaf are normal, they fill in and get deeper green at their own rate per strain. They are not quite old enough for strong nutes, so you're doing great. Those spots are most likely light related. You will want some cal/mag around for later when they really need it. The first thing I notice is going on in my grow too. The ruffled leaves. That is a real early symptom of lights too close. Raising to 30 inches even would be good. It's not really the temperature as much as it is the radiation from the lights.
:bow: thank you so much.
will hoist up the lights some more and see how they react!
... yup, raising the lights is wise,.. seedling don't want as intense lighting as older plants,...about 24" is recommended,... Plagron is mostly peat, right, not coco? (coco is a Ca hog).... You may have to up the Ca-Mg some, and start ramping up the feeds too,.... :thumbsup:
@Rev. Green Genes moved lights up, they seem much happier for it! thank you :woohoo1:

@Waira Plagron is rather peaty yes. two out of the three girls are loving the stuff, but the Double Grape is still grumpy...her pot doesn’t empty, always heavy. This will sound like overthinking, but it’s almost like it’s a different medium altogether in the DG pot - more soil than peat and fibres...and I think it was the first pot made up from the bag and I made zero effort to give the light mix a good shake up before making up the pots - I think my concern is the drainage properties of this one pot is poor. difference between the other pots is night and day when wet and dry, but not the DG pot.

at 25 days old, still shows healthy new growth albeit slowly, i don’t know what the options are now other than to accept she will be small and slow and try and limp her through. shame she’s in such a big frickin’ pot though :haha:
Sometimes stressed plants just take longer and might get bigger, sometimes they finish on time but smaller. Mephisto beans are pretty stable genetics though, you should be ok to keep going but limit the frequency of watering. If you believe the soil needs re mixing, sooner rather than later is preferred. Best not to disturb the roots, but I have gone as far as to wash the soil off of roots with gentle water and carefully re pot them before. It's up to you.
I’ll think about it for a day or two..seems like a big and risky job and y’all can only give advice based on the unrefined observations I report.
...hmm, I don't know that mix at all, but it would seem mechanical separation isn't a likely suspect..? Is there noticeably less perlite? A strong draft going across the other pots bases?.... for it to retain the moisture like that, could be a the root system just isn't that happy either,... look into getting a root tonic of some sort, and meantime I too would just let her ride for now and see,....