Starting up an indoor soil grow.. space is 4x4x7.. 10 plants 5 of each all in Smart Pots.. I hear "air pruning" is the way to go these days.. 1000w dual arc.. added UVB/UVA lights (reptile lights).. using Exhale for CO2, if you haven't gotten these yet, I highly recommend them, just put the exhale bag on top of your hood and let it do its thing.. using botanicare line of nutes and rainforest soil, sea kelp to feed it and I think I got a good thing going here.. stay tuned, just started germination today.
btw. whats the record yield off the Mi5.. like 6 something? Hope to be a worthy adversary.
btw. whats the record yield off the Mi5.. like 6 something? Hope to be a worthy adversary.