Mexican Airlines auto not flowering

Jul 7, 2019
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Hi all

I have a FastBuds Mexican Airlines in the greenhouse, it's now 5 weeks and not showing really any signs of flowering, a few preflowers that's all. I've grown autos before and at this point they are always well on their way to flowering. It's in a 3 gal container of soil.

I've tried to search for similar threads,but haven't found any concise answers to if there's anything one can actually do to get them going? I'm in Scandinavia so the day length is like 18 hours atm. Thanks!
From what I’ve read auto outdoor grows tend to be a little slower going through the stages.

Patience Grasshopper
hey @Auxiliary Jesus and :welcome: to afn! um, do u have any picz-? picz would help :thumbsup:

ppp & good luck! :pass:
Hi all

I have a FastBuds Mexican Airlines in the greenhouse, it's now 5 weeks and not showing really any signs of flowering, a few preflowers that's all. I've grown autos before and at this point they are always well on their way to flowering. It's in a 3 gal container of soil.

I've tried to search for similar threads,but haven't found any concise answers to if there's anything one can actually do to get them going? I'm in Scandinavia so the day length is like 18 hours atm. Thanks!
My record is 10 weeks for an auto to start flowering.
It got huge, went 17 weeks total, and yielded about a pound dry.
Sadly, the herb was sub-par, in spite of being award-winning DP NightQueen.
Well shitty pics, can't really make anything out of those. I've been bending it to keep it low behind all the veggies etc. so it's difficult to take a photo of it. If it was growing straight up I'd say it would be probably 20 inches tall or so.