New Grower Method Seven glasses for LED

Jun 10, 2015
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Has anyone tried these? They are amazing...They give you the ability to open your tent with the LED's on, and it looks like just bright natural light. Very cool. They are offered in clip-on style for us prescription glass wearers, and normal sunglass style for those who don't need glasses for correction. I believe they will also make them in your prescription. Carl Ziess optics. Check my picture under Introductions in Hello from Kentucky, US. The natural looking picture was taken just holding my glasses in front of my little cheap camera. Truly amazing, and they save your eyesight...Check them out. Peace. Doug
Well you can go to your optic store and let your glasses color up blue/blue greyish and you have the same effect. But indeed with the glasses its perfect to maintane the plants and you really see evry lil discoloration ect. The Filters for Cam lesnses is the more interessting thing for me.
Yeah, very cool, they also have a dedicated camera filter...Thanks for the response medic grower. My son is a "Wounded Warrior", after serving two tours with our US Army, and has had to endure two brain surgeries to get somewhat back to an even keel...Ordered a pair for both of us, as he likes to hang out with me while I'm tending my grow. Peace
Yeah, very cool, they also have a dedicated camera filter...Thanks for the response medic grower. My son is a "Wounded Warrior", after serving two tours with our US Army, and has had to endure two brain surgeries to get somewhat back to an even keel...Ordered a pair for both of us, as he likes to hang out with me while I'm tending my grow. Peace
Hey doug i,ve got the clip ons ,they work well,anything to save the eyesight.Peace.
How necessary is it to wear glasses around LED lights? I mean, do they put out any more UV than the sun? Lots of people go outside in bright sunlight and dont wear sunglasses, how are LEDS different?
I don,t know of any studies out of LEDs and eyesight,i can tell you when i come out of my grow room at night i can,t see in the dark.When i got my clip on i have less problems in the dark and during the day.The older you get your vision changes .I have a hard time seeing at night anyway,With constant exposure to really bright lights,over time you will develop eyesight issues.Why take that risk you only have one set of eyes man.Someone will eventually do a study,i,m sure,until then a little precaution is needed.That is a very good question.I I just know that these help me now.Peace treeman.
How necessary is it to wear glasses around LED lights? I mean, do they put out any more UV than the sun? Lots of people go outside in bright sunlight and dont wear sunglasses, how are LEDS different?
It's not about uv light, it's more about intensity and penetrative ability of LED light just check some whited-out buds or leaves of MJ under leds. Basically it's like aiming focal point of magnifying glass in your eyes.
Lots of people go outside in bright sunlight and dont wear sunglasses...
...and end up needing cataract surgery in their sixties. The damage isn't immediate and all at once; it's cumulative, and, with luck, you've got many decades to build up the damage.

As for the glasses, I plan on getting a pair this coming month; just the eyestrain from what little I've had to do so far is warning enough for me.
...and end up needing cataract surgery in their sixties. The damage isn't immediate and all at once; it's cumulative, and, with luck, you've got many decades to build up the damage.

As for the glasses, I plan on getting a pair this coming month; just the eyestrain from what little I've had to do so far is warning enough for me.
...and end up needing cataract surgery in their sixties. The damage isn't immediate and all at once; it's cumulative, and, with luck, you've got many decades to build up the damage.

As for the glasses, I plan on getting a pair this coming month; just the eyestrain from what little I've had to do so far is warning enough for me.
Hey guys i think everyone in this thread has some valid points,for me its just about keeping what little eyesight i have.Peace