Lighting Metal Halide UVB Lamps


Cultivators Club
Jan 30, 2018
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Like many before me, I've been searching for a good, easy and cheap UVB light source that can provide a good spread for our plants.

I've bought the most common reptile CFL bulbs but quality on these are VERY unpredictable, except for branded ones which costs too much, for something that does not last too long. Besides having to put them real close to plants and spread being an issue, the UVB output diminishes very quickly with time. They are still the primary choice for many due to low cost of entry.

Fluorescent tubes vary. T5s costs too much imo and the only T5HO UVB fluoro tube supplier, Agromax do NOT ship outside US. For US growers, this would be a great choice but I've recently read/seen pics of badly damaged colas from these Pure UV T5HO tubes at only 2 × 30mins daily with acclimation done beforehand. I am therefore suspicious of the effects of supplementing with Pure UV tubes. Might be jealousy cos I can't get my hands on them without some effort/ extra $. Other cheaper tube options would be T8 or T12 but anyone who used them before knows they only work within a few inches. Would be difficult to integrate into grow space as a supplement. Although SolarCure says their T12s are da best! I don't buy it though and at $150 to $200++ for a two T12 bulb full set, I just don't see myself paying for it. T5HOs sets costs even more!

There are also mercury vapor lamps for reptile basking at larger wattages up to 160W but from what I understand, they are comparable to the CFLs in terms of UVB but gives out lots more heat. May be a good choice for growing in cold climate.

Before anyone asks about LED, lets just say the common man still can't afford it and its effects are still untested. In other words, don't believe that any full LED grow lights (we can afford) would have the UVB that we need.

I've always heard of MH lights and more recently CMH ones. I won't bore you all with the differences as I'm not very knowledgeable myself. I guess its suffice to say the newer CMHs lasts longer and is more efficient but costs more.

Its no secret that MH or CMH produces a more complete spectrum, closer to the sun due to UV, FR and IR. Never mind if its falls between the Par spectrum as its not what we are discussing here. Its application is traditionally as a veg light. More and more growers are using CMH as a flower light too.

I'm curious as to why I don't read about anyone supplementing cheap MH (Not CMH) lights for its UVB output? Supposedly, MH with all its disadvantages against CMH, has higher UV values. If I'm mistaken, please let me know.

Spread and intensity should be better than all I mentioned above, not to mention cheaper too. Higher UVB output means I can use them for lesser time each day. Instead of supplementing with predominantly UVA, Heat and small amounts of UVB like all options mentioned above (With the exception of Agromax which is 75% UVB and 25% UVA), I will be giving a close to sun spectrum with IR, FR too which may aid in Emerson effect or simply complements LED spectrum which greatly lacks in these departments.

Of course, there must be a reason to this. I figure its mainly due to MH grow lights are usually in larger wattages instead of the 13W to 54W options I mentioned above. Also, they are recommended to be replaced every 3000-5000 hours as UVB output degrades.

I started to read and research further into my options. I narrowed my buying options to only China, as shipping is easier for me and thats where most things are made aka cheaper.

There are MH reptile UVB lights around for ages but are considered higher end. Branded 50W to 70W reptile MH UVB light can cost up to $150 or more which is again out of the question. They are also rather focused as they are used in cages/boxes. I needed something cheap and feasible. I then found out that succulent/ cactus hobby growers also requires UVB not for trichomes but for colors. The succulents respond differently but is also exactly what we wanna do with our plants. I researched more into it and found that its very similar to what we want. They use the light to prevent stretch and gain beautiful colors. We wanna use them for bigger, larger and more trichomes. Less stretch is generally welcomed as well. Lights for this purpose will spread wider than the reptile ones. In short, reptile MH light makers have found a new niche market in succulent growers and I'm guessing it will translate well for cannabis growers too.

So with China having its annual largest online shopping fest, I plan to get myself 3 × 70W UVB MH light at 10000K. They are much more commonly available at 5500K to 6000K. I chose 10000K as many use it as finishing light anyways and it has slightly more UVB output. Every supplier would have a slightly different spectrum. I chose mine after speaking to a dozen suppliers so I hope I did good.

Anyone who plans to venture into this should pay special attention to the balast from China. The local market uses a 220-240V type balast which is cheap and does the job. Ask for a better one that fits your local voltage if you wish.

Price is around USD30 or so for each full set. Less than $100 for 3 sets. I googled some images cos the ones I bought has Chinese descriptions. Replacement bulbs are half the price of a kit at around $15 so no biggie there.



Anyone has any experience or thoughts? This is not a post where I educate anyone. More of the other way round....

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Sounds interesting, and can't hurt in small doses, but I built a 3500k cob for $30 with Alibaba bits. Better a good cob than all the messing around imo.

Sent from my comfy chair
Sounds interesting, and can't hurt in small doses, but I built a 3500k cob for $30 with Alibaba bits. Better a good cob than all the messing around imo.

Sent from my comfy chair
My first grow was 3500K so I know how good/ newb proof they are. Imo, there are tons to mess around with...probably unlimited. We choose what interests/ fits our situation during our lifetime. Experimenting with UVB for increased potency is no different than trying a nute/ nute line for whatever purpose they claim. Its all for the disproportionate increase in bud quality that we are all chasing. In my case, its cheap enough to try.

Wattage against wattage, $30 for 50W and less than $30 for 70W, and I don't need to build anything. I'd say we're close to being the same guy here...LOL

Besides, your amazing Cob is for main lighting while mine is only for supplementing. Have not seen anyone try this method so thought I'd share. Someone who have tried can persuade me to give this up, perhaps?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My first grow was 3500K so I know how good/ newb proof they are. Imo, there are tons to mess around with...probably unlimited. We choose what interests/ fits our situation during our lifetime. Experimenting with UVB for increased potency is no different than trying a nute/ nute line for whatever purpose they claim. Its all for the disproportionate increase in bud quality that we are all chasing. In my case, its cheap enough to try.

Wattage against wattage, $30 for 50W and less than $30 for 70W, and I don't need to build anything. I'd say we're close to being the same guy here...LOL

Besides, your amazing Cob is for main lighting while mine is only for supplementing. Have not seen anyone try this method so thought I'd share. Someone who have tried can persuade me to give this up, perhaps?

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Give it a go, I am all for trying things. Start small and make sure there is no detrimental affects to your girls.

Sent from my comfy chair