Indoor Mephisto Sams Crack (unreleased) & Sour Crack & Lowryder #2


QB96 Believer
Dec 17, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Girl Scout Cookies (Photo)
Hey Everyone! My names Clyde! I’m doing a neat little Tent grow at an undisclosed location in the world ;) the grow looks as follows ^_^


**Looking for another person to do a grow off with Sams Crack**
Mephisto - Sams Crack x1 (unreleased)
(0 days old)
Mephisto - Sour Crack x2 (0 days old)
Joint Dr. - Lowryder [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] x3 (27 days old)

The Mephisto seeds will germinate in the next 24hrs minimum. But my Lowryders are going strong!

For a total of 6 plants in a 32x32x60 tent
(I’m ordering a 4x4 tent soon tho)

Lights: (running 24/0 until my Mephisto seeds pop out of the soil

(in order of left to right)
BLOOMSPECT 600watt (245 from the wall)
SunSystem 150Watt HPS (true 150watt)
BLOOMSPECT 300Watt LED (145 from the wall)

I have my lights arranged in an “arc” with my HPS in the center high, and both BLOOMSPECT LEDs hung in either side at an angle

*** I will be replacing these lights with 2 or 4 QB96 Elite V2’s running at 200 watts each. I’m paying for them in 8 days ;) gunna CRUSH it


Earth Juice Grow Big (Veg)
Tiger Bloom (flower)
Distilled water
I do NOT do any PH adjustments for this grow. My next grow in the 4x4 I will do that.

Never used nutes before... I was always an all organic bat guano only type guy.

Enjoy the pics! The Lowryders just got trained the way they are yesterday

Can’t WAIT for these mephistos to pop!

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Hey man and welcome to afn. I also got Sam's Crack as freebies and I've been thinking about popping some late dec/early jan. I'l follow along and see how they take off! Setup looking good, getting alot better very soon it seems. Qb should be the real deal.. Good luck!
Hey man and welcome to afn. I also got Sam's Crack as freebies and I've been thinking about popping some late dec/early jan. I'l follow along and see how they take off! Setup looking good, getting alot better very soon it seems. Qb should be the real deal.. Good luck!

Thanks friend! Happy to be here, got my start over at GC ;)

Yea the QB96 Elite V2’s with booster red spectrum are UNBELIEVABLE lights! They are breathtaking as could be! Especially if you add ACTIVE cooling! pushing 225watts out of each board ;) just one of these lights will completely veg and flower a 2.5x2.5 tent effectively. I’m putting 2 of them in a 2x4. And adding in 2 more a few weeks after.

I’m truly excited to see how fast this Sour Crack really is. I’m using restrictive potting to make em flower just a bit earlier, speed is my main goal for the Sour Crack, but the Sams Crack I have no idea what to expect... except that one of its parents is surely the fastest strain they even offer. So I’m hoping we get some crazy ass 48 day strain or something haha.
Update :) 32 days old! Flowering nicely :) 12+ tops each plant :) heavy LST and one light defoliation




Also my Sams Crack will be sprouting soon ;)

Stay tuned as I’ll be documenting the entire grow start to finish in hopes Mephisto will be pleased :)

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Well Mephisto will not be pleased...

Neither Sams Crack seed I germinated made it through... also over on Grass City Forums we’re doing a Sams Crack Growoff and out of 5 people only TWO peoples Sams Crack Seeds germinated... very strange ratios..

Mephisto could we get any help with this if you stumble across this guys?

Both my Sour Crack seeds didn’t perform either. This is very odd and unlike what I see happening for 90% of other growers

When they open back up Jan 4th I’ll be getting a bunch more seeds to grow under my new QB96 Elite V2 lights from HLG ;)

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Hmmmm….. Sounds like Sam is not all she's Cracked up to be...….

Huge failures across the board w popping this strain

Got these going up tonight!!



Got two of them bitches!

Anyone else know of anyone EVER growing Lowryder [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] under lights of this caliber?
I think I might be the very first ever to do it on film!

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Update on Lowryders about day 40 from seed


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QB96’s are up and running hard! 161W each basicly.



I can’t WAIT to see how fat these Lowryders get under this 815-850par @ 16” setup! The extra red from these lights is SUPER intense, it took my breath away the first time I ever turned them on! And they were turned all the way down on my HLG-320H-54a driver haha

Wish there was a little more traffic here..

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QB96’s are up and running hard! 161W each basicly.



I can’t WAIT to see how fat these Lowryders get under this 815-850par @ 16” setup! The extra red from these lights is SUPER intense, it took my breath away the first time I ever turned them on! And they were turned all the way down on my HLG-320H-54a driver haha

Wish there was a little more traffic here..

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They look great, lights too. Should be interesting to watch how they perform.