Memphisto Forgotten Cookies Seedlings

Jul 18, 2018
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I have 2 seedlings that sprouted on May 31. One has leaves that are more yellow and kind of pointing up, her sister has more of a rounded and greener happier looking. They are under Autocob 3500 30 inches from the light 58% humidity temps are 72-76 Farenheit. Might be hard to see solo cup happy big pot unhappy. Medium is a compost at the top FFOF on the bottom. Any ideas? Thanks for reading.


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...straight compost, no blending with soil? might be too hot, not pH balanced,.... the OF soil is really not good, sorry to say mate,.. it's the [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] problem soil I see in here, just plain lousy shit; usually badly acidic, undercooked, full of garbage bits,... bug issue reported too,... Some get lucky with OK bags, other don't! Seedling isn't in there yet, so I'd say the reaction is to the compost itself,... this is usually a key component to good soils, but not the medium itself....
Get a good soil pH probe and save yourself a ton of beating,.. the Accurate 8 is good unit, I love mine-- :phsoil: <---long probe here....
....transplanting is risky, difficult,....root damage will stunt them,... but that damn OF soil could be a time bomb frankly,.... Find different soil, Roots Organic original is fine, readily available,... Kings Mix; Sanctuary Soil brand is nice too....
It was compost that i cooked last year. It was mixed with the FFOF soil. Used it last and had good results. Different gentics than last year tho. Thanks for your input