I have no idea why this occurred! I finally emptied the Earthbox of my biggest HBSS into a tote for re-amending and mixing with other media to dilute the Dolomite. I busted it all up, spread it out, added a little chicken feed, bokashi and wetted it down with some water with Boost.
I checked all the totes this morning to see how well their mats are developing, I added bokashi to all the totes and sprayed with the same water and Boost. Great development in all the totes..............until I came to the tote in question. No mat and the worms were lining the sides and trying to get out the top! They were mostly young worms and only seen a few adults with rings. I MAY have not added the Bokashi with the absence of the mat. All the other totes had WELL developed mats going after less than 48hours. The media was not overwatered and not heated up, but there was a lot of moisture on the sides and top.
I really don't understand why this happened! The ONLY thing I can come up with is they preferred the condensation on the sides of the tote, but the media wasn't that dry............at least I really think so.
There is something going on, but I have no idea!
Good thing I picked up another two totes to make a new smaller worm bin the other day. I got a pretty good size handful of worms to add to it today.............when life gives you Lemons, you make Lemonade!
I'm gonna add some TerraCraft to the tote, mix it up and retry the bokashi again.
I checked all the totes this morning to see how well their mats are developing, I added bokashi to all the totes and sprayed with the same water and Boost. Great development in all the totes..............until I came to the tote in question. No mat and the worms were lining the sides and trying to get out the top! They were mostly young worms and only seen a few adults with rings. I MAY have not added the Bokashi with the absence of the mat. All the other totes had WELL developed mats going after less than 48hours. The media was not overwatered and not heated up, but there was a lot of moisture on the sides and top.
I really don't understand why this happened! The ONLY thing I can come up with is they preferred the condensation on the sides of the tote, but the media wasn't that dry............at least I really think so.
There is something going on, but I have no idea!
Good thing I picked up another two totes to make a new smaller worm bin the other day. I got a pretty good size handful of worms to add to it today.............when life gives you Lemons, you make Lemonade!
I'm gonna add some TerraCraft to the tote, mix it up and retry the bokashi again.