
Cultivators Club
Feb 17, 2020
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Currently Smoking
I grow to provide medicine to family and friends in need.
This is the first journal I have done. I am happy it is for @RocBudInc. I hope to do a good job for him. Special shout out to Mars Hydro as well. I have multiple lights in my tent but am proud to be Rocing something from @MarshydroTina.

My preferred medium is amended COCO. These 7 gallon bags are filled with rinsed and calcium fortified cheap coco. For every 3 cf of coco there is one bag of Happy Frog, 1 cup greensand, 1/2 cup azomite, 1/2 cup guano, 1/2 cup bone meal, 2 cups neem meal.

I started (in water) 7 seeds on 10/01. 4 Purple Scoops and 3 of RocBud infamous mystery seeds. I think one of the Mystery seeds may be Purple Scoops as the form is an exact match.

On 10/04 I started 2 seeds in water. 1 Purple Scoop and 1 mystery seed.

I am anticipating delivery of Auto Grape Slurpi, Grape Dosi Breath Auto F4, and Grape Mints soon. I will pop 1 each of those. I will not pop any mystery seeds from that order as 12 plants will be an overwhelming task.

You can see the dates the photos were taken and the vigor with which these girls are growing. One of the Purple Scoops has not broken ground yet and may be a failure. As the other Purple Scoops are the most vigorous plants I have ever grown, at this stage, I will be pleasantly surprised if it pops.

I am watering these young plants 2x a day. once on the plant and once in a perimeter several inches away. The theory is forcing the roots to reach out for water. So far no signs of overwatering which is not surprising based on the media.

Obviously they were planted with Mychorrizae and have gotten a Recharge treatment.

Yesterday I mixed up some Down to Earth 444, alfalfa, and kelp meal. I added 4 tbs to the older plants and 2 tbs to the younger plants. It is early for fertilizer; however I spread it over the entire surface and not just around the plants. It is a mild treatment and I feel confident.

These girls will get plenty of teas made with Alfalfa, Kelp and home grown worm. They will also get periodic home brewed LBT.

Other than that I am going to do a Mr. Canuck's grow (you can find him on the YouTube if you have not already). 444 in veg 70/30, 444/284 when they show sex, 50/50 444/284 in stretch, and 284 after stretch, Prehaps one more treatment after that but I think these strains may be too quick for 4 treatments. No more adding liquid organic nutes to every watering UGH!

I will be watering these girls 2x a day (especially when they are in veg) as often as I am able unless I start to see signs of overwatering.

The last photo shows that I went ahead and began training one of the plants. I usually start the process early but this is definitely the earliest I have tried it. Just an experiment. As the 4 initial plants are so identical at this point is will be interesting to see the result. I typically get 40 cola sites on my plants through intensive LST.

OH ya. so I have decided that 7 gallon pots are the best size. I have 2-3 gallon pots going as I was out of 7s. When it comes to pots I tried 7 gallon tall pots once. I hated it. The pots were so narrow that I was severely restricted in my ability to train plants wide. I was thinking the plants would like the deep medium. I have decided the best pots are the shallow wide ones. I found pots on Amazon that are 14' wide and 10" tall. I think they were $15.00 for 10. LOL.

What else? My tent is a 4x9. The lights are the wonderful Mars Hydro SP3000 running at full tilt at about 24", Phlizon 3000 with just the COBs on at about 30". Honestly I have been very happy with the Phlizon. It was my 1st light and I agonized over the decision. I grew several very large plants right out the gate with it. I also have an 84 watt DIY with Samsung 501b strips. The DIY is off ATM but I will need it b4 long. I spoke with the guy that assembled the DIY (ok so I bought a DIY from a guy that makes them) He I may have him make me a 300w light these are the options he gave me. I think I would go with the last option. That would be 4 3500, 3 3000, and 2 6500 strips. So some of the strips have a little IR, some have a little deep red, and some royal blue. That is if I am understanding him. Any thoughts on the light would be appreciated.

1. lm561c strips in 3000k with 4 - 450nm Royal Blue, 4 - 660nm Deep Red, and 2 - 730nm Far Red(IR)

2. 4 (2, 4, 6, and 8) of the lm561c strips in 3500k with 4 - 450nm Royal Blue, 4 - 660nm Deep Red, and 2 - 730nm Far Red(IR)

3. 2 (2 and 8) of the 3500k for the 6500 k with the 450/660/730 mix

Anyway hope to do a good job here. Please follow.


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The thread has changed names. This will be a journal that highlights the excellent Marz Hydro SP3000 lights. I have 2 which are lighting 1/2 of my 4x9 tent. I have every confidence in the Mars Hydro SP3000. The spectrum and even ppfd footprint is amazing. I have them set at the recommended 18" on full power. I am loving these lights!
I have a broad spectrum Samsung 501 DIY light bar supplementing the side of the SP3000s. As of today the light bar is more to get the tent temperature up than anything else.
As for the RocBudInc girls. What can I say they are vigorous growers. Day 16 since popping 4 sprouted Purple Scoops seeds in the Coco. Day 13 for 3 more. The 4 and the 3 have all been trained. Today I trained at least 5 branches on the 4. They already have a cannabis smell. Subtle but there. Cruising along for now.
I'll talk about nutrients etc next time.
Much thanks @MarshydroTina @RocBudInc @TxRebel/Mark @Django_TO @GeorgeCloney


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