Hello again connoisseurs!

The wheels at team Mephisto keep turning friends! Yet another round of test fire is now underway. All subjects are sown in living soil direct in their final 7 gallon pots. They will receive various organic dry amendments as needed, and the light cycle is 20/4.
Mango Runtz
(Creme De La Chem x Mango Smile)x White Runtz
Day 1 - 1/7

The wheels at team Mephisto keep turning friends! Yet another round of test fire is now underway. All subjects are sown in living soil direct in their final 7 gallon pots. They will receive various organic dry amendments as needed, and the light cycle is 20/4.
Mango Runtz
(Creme De La Chem x Mango Smile)x White Runtz
Day 1 - 1/7
505 Headbanger
Day 1 - 1/8
Headbanger x Fugue State
Day 1 - 1/8
Headbanger x Fugue State
Charlie's Crush
(Mango Runtz x School Yard Crush)
Day 1 - 1/7
(Mango Runtz x School Yard Crush)
Day 1 - 1/7
Oompa Loompa OG
(Samsquanch OG x Mango Runtz)
Day 1 - 1/7
(Samsquanch OG x Mango Runtz)
Day 1 - 1/7

Thanks for stopping by and checking in! And thanks again to Stan and the Mephisto Team for allowing me the pleasure!

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