OLD REVIEWS Mandalorian Genetics -ALF#5

Apr 22, 2012
Reaction score
SeedBank :

DC Seed Exchange


Afghani Little Funker #5

Did it autoflower?: Y
First preflowers showed 44 days from germ under 24/0 light.


80% Coco, 20% perlite
5"*5"*5" square plastic pots.


GH micro 4.5mL/gallon
GH bloom 9mL/gallon

Tap water is neutral so that comes out just below 6pH.

Light (kind and schedule):

2 Autocobs, ~270W equivalent, 24/0 for 39 days and 12/12 through finish.

From seed to harvest date: __days

Green pheno (1): 75 days
Purple phenos (2): 78 days

10% clear, 5% amber, 85% milky trichome heads.

Dry Yield:

Estimated around 14g per plant, still hanging.

High/Effect Duration:

So far I have only Vaped some wet bud, but I'd call it a classic Afghan high. She is who she claims to be, very Bubba. I took her early so it's a chatty smoke, the kind I like.


***** (as good as any Mephisto or Dutch Passion auto)

This is the perfect strain for a self-sufficient grower who needs Regs to make seeds. A whole lifetime of hunting in these genes...

I grew three females and got two phenos. The green is my preference.


Green got frosty and dark evergreen colored leaves, the purples were more "toxic sunset red," without being a true 'purple crayon' dark purple. Think...fresh blood backlit by sunlight.


I cut away all but the main meristem because these grew as companions while my photos vegged. When the canopy closed and started causing the leaves below to wilt and yellow, I made the decision to cut away all the lowers which were virtually in darkness and go for baseball bats.

This neutered the yield HARD, this strain wants to go full-on Menorah status with like 11 beefy side branches, but running 9 plants in a 23"*24" closet doesn't permit...


Marijuana, pure, clean, traditional. I smell myrcene, pinene, and humulene. Berry funk, piney, slight hoppiness. Caryophylene is hiding in there, but did not predominate. I have a photoperiod "Panamagoo" from Mass Medical that's a caryophylene bomb, so the discrepancy is stark.


Smooth, nothing unpleasant at all here. I vape until I smell popcorn and then I smoke the material in a pipe to get both the wet experience and the dry. Nothing like a proper cure, but it exposes any off-flavors when you do this.

THE HIGH: *****

The 'up' side of Bubba...any indica can be up if you take it early, but the terps also take you there with this one. Long come up period which usually indicates the presence of some CBD.
Curious to the reasoning for that light cycle?
Very nice review, seems well thought out. Thanks for taking the time to share.
I vegged photos alongside the autos,and after some point I had to flip to flower to keep the photos from overgrowing the tent.
Gotcha, makes sense. Sorry, i wasn't trolling, I hear new stuff everyday. Never know when you catch something to try out. Thanks good luck to you.
Gotcha, makes sense. Sorry, i wasn't trolling, I hear new stuff everyday. Never know when you catch something to try out. Thanks good luck to you.
No trolling assumed! I would have loved to run them under 24/0, it's my favorite light cycle for autos because they grow a bit squatter without any dark period, generally speaking.

I'm awash in good photo genetics at the moment, so I'm just growing autos for funsies.

Next grow will be Zamaldelica Auto by Night Owl, I'm doing that one as a big LST monopot which I'll run 24/0 through harvest.
Yeah I'm waiting on some auots to finish now, taking forever. Was supposed to ba super fast strain, im on day 100ish now hahaha. Just want them to hurry up, im dying to get these Bobby's widow started!!!